k your
> target app is running there may in fact be a bug in CLRProfiler.
> In either case, can you send me & Peter a log file demonstrating the
> behavior?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> -Original Message-
> From: Discussion of advanced .NET topics. [mai
I've used the CLR Profiler for many years, including its previous guise as
the Allocation Profiler. However, recently I've noticed an issue which is
either a bug or is a misunderstanding on my part of what the information
When I profile an application that creates objects >85000 they go int
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(
> System.Environment.GetFolderPath(
> System.Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "MyAppName" +
> System.IO.Path.PathSeparator + "log.txt");
> LocalApplicationData is app data that will not be included in the user's
> roaming
I've written log4net data to isolated storage. In fact, AFAIK thousands of
desktops across IBM are still logging data (endlessly, with no upper bound)
to isolated storage
On 11/28/05, Ian Griffiths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd recommend not using that.
> By default, only Adm
John St. Clair wrote:
> In your second example, you mention a 37%
> speed-up. This may not be worth it if in practice the typical user only
> spends a few seconds utilizing the zip functionality.
However, Array.Copy is used all over the place. Just think about how XML
parsing is done and how muc
Spawn a new thread. Set that new thread to be STA and marshal the results
back to your primary thread.
> -Original Message-
> From: Moderated discussion of advanced .NET topics.
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of James Crowley
> Sent: 27 November 2002 20:49
Try the following. You will see that C# actually passes the out param value
into the function! As has been said, this is because it is a C# feature, not
a CLR/CLS feature.
--- VB.Net ---
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class TestServer
' Fool C# into thinking this is an out on
I came across the same problem with C-style arrays only last week. I solved
it the same way.
I have been getting some very odd behavior though -
ExecutionEngineExceptions and other random exceptions (even exceptions which
claim I am unable to write to the EventLog, which is patently false). So,
Actually, ShellExecuteEx is called from the Start->Run dialog (and most
other places except the console). If an IShellExecuteHook has been
installed, then it is allowed to intercept the ShellExecuteEx and handle it.
By default, a "URL Exec Hook" (AEB6717E-7E19-11d0-97EE-00C04FD91972) is
If you have a 1-1 mapping between an object and an XmlNode, then you are
storing behavior and data in different classes. It would be much neater to
store behvaior and data together. Therefore, you could create your own
specialized sub-types of TreeNode and XmlNode. This is very easy to do with
This will help:
> -Original Message-
> From: Moderated discussion of advanced .NET topics.
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill Clark
> Sent: 30 August 2002 18:18
> Subject: [ADVANCED-D
This inserts tags inside the element! You really shouldn't be
doing this!
Try using doc.open(), doc.write() and doc.close()
IIRC these are IDispatch-only methods, so you'll need to either use VB.Net
or Reflection. This post shows an example using Reflection:
Anakrino does a good job.
I would point you to saurik.com, but it seems to be down at present.
> -Original Message-
> From: Moderated discussion of advanced .NET topics.
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joe Smith
> Sent: 30 June 2002 09:33
> Sub
Handling Transactions Between .NET Components
Ken Spencer
Q. I read your column in the February 2002 issue of MSDNĀ® Magazine regarding
COM+, DCOM, and MSMQ serialization in .NET. You said that if a component is
performing transactions on a single database and you expect that you'll
always be goin
This is clearly a bug in the VB compiler. Best to avoid End Try in all
Here is a simplified version of the bug. Uncomment the Exit Try statement to
see it occuring. Both the Exit Try and Goto statements actually generate a
leave MSIL instruction. However, the offset specified for the
> -Original Message-
> From: Moderated discussion of advanced .NET topics.
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Wilson
> Sent: 17 April 2002 15:38
> Subject: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Serial P
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