This turns out to be largely due to the current ZSI (version 2.0rc3)
using "Content-length" as the header field name, whereas the
adwords python library's common.zsi.HttpsConnectionHandler
wrapper code (wrapps httplib for ZSI) presumes that it will use
"Content-Length" (which I assume that it did in an older version
of ZSI, so this code will have worked for others).

This assumption occurs in both the send and the putheader
method.  The code works when I patch putheader to:

1. Check header.lower() against 'content-length' to decide to
skip it.  (I also just call the super class method rather than
re-implementing the header formatting.)

and patch send to:

2. Check for a state(*) of _CS_REQ_SENT as a sign that we are
recursing from the call to httplib.HTTPSConnection.endheaders()
further down in the function, rather than try to recognize that the
text looks like a header.

3. To call the superclass putheader to add its own content-length
header (since the new implementation in the sub-class, as
detailed above would just discard it now, no matter the capitolization
variations), passing str() of the length of the compressed data, since
the super class doesn't do well with integers.

I can supply my patched and commented code if someone, or a
library maintainer, needs it.


(*) Note that attributes beginning with, but not ending with, double
underscore get "name mangled" by having an underscore and
the class name prefixed to them.  Thus to access the __state
attribute one really needs to use:
in methods of the subclass, since self.__state there gets mangled to
Note that this does not bode well for the use of self.__state in the
getresponse() method accomplishing what you think it does.

Double underscore attributes are much more strongly private than
single underscore attributes.  The implication is really that these
private even from subclasses.  Thus it might be better, in send, to
add a "__we_are_gzipping" attribute before the call to endheaders,
and use hasattr to check for it in the "lets not gzip again" test.

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