Download Report from Adwords API to User's Computer

2020-03-26 Thread Philippe Thibeault
Hey everyone! Quite new to the Adwords API world, I've made a PHP program that connects to the API (using the package provided) and generates a Click Performance Report. Presently, the program that executes this and makes the connection to the API is on a cPanel hosted Apache server, so whene

Java - cannot retrieve Youtube campaigns

2017-05-17 Thread philippe . delvaux
())) { if ( activate ) { campaign.setStatus(CampaignStatus.ENABLED); } It works but the problem is: the retrieved campaigns do NOT include the Youtube ones. Can someone help us with that? Truthfully yours, Philippe

Traffic Estimator Service for R | Structure for a Curl Request?

2016-07-19 Thread Pascal-Philippe Bergeron
Hi all, We are looking at building a Traffic Estimator Library in R. For as much as i've seen, other R Library for Google API REST command manage to do it through Curl. The team and I were wondering if anyone has information on how we would structure the CURL request for the traffic estimator.

Incomplete Signup

2010-11-02 Thread Philippe
Je me suis inscrit en tant que développeur dans mon centre multi compte, j’ai reçu mon jeton de développeur, mais lors du développement j’ai une erreur « QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP_NO_BILLING_INFO @ » Ma question est : Ou puis je saisir mes informations de facturation (je n'ai pas l'option