Re: Mutating a deleted keyword via AdGroupCriterionService causes an unexpected internal api error

2011-11-29 Thread Thomas Döllmann
Hi Eric, thanks for the reply. I can still reproduce this behaviour, so it seems its not temporary for me. Here is this request id of the latest try: 0004b2dc052b42680ada20467cbe. And thats the anonymized request basically: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? soapenv:Envelope

Re: Truncated Reports using V13 ReportService

2011-04-26 Thread Thomas Döllmann
Hi, it seems the truncation is caused by category targeted placements for our afflicted accounts. By downloading the data in chuncks on adgroup level without the corresponding adgroups, we were able to download most of the data. I could imagine there is an illegal control character hidden in one

Truncated Reports using V13 ReportService

2011-04-19 Thread Thomas Döllmann
Hi, we are using the V13 ReportService to download the data for our clients. More precisely , we are using Creative Reports on a Daily aggregation with cross client functionality. Since today, one of our accounts is causing truncation of the report, the end of file is right inside one of the rows