I'm using PHP library for AdWords API 
<https://github.com/googleads/googleads-php-lib> v201809 and trying to get 
max CPC for a campaign with target spend bidding scheme, but only 
is returned, although I didn't ask for that field.

The code:

$query = (new ServiceQueryBuilder())
   ->select(['BudgetId', 'BiddingStrategyId', 'BiddingStrategyName', '
TargetSpendBidCeiling', 'TargetSpendSpendTarget'])

$page = $campaign_service->query((string) $query);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($page->getEntries()[0], true) . '</pre>';

The result is (ids are manually changed):

Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201809\cm\Campaign Object
    [id:protected] => XXXXXXXXX
    [campaignGroupId:protected] => 
    [name:protected] => 
    [status:protected] => 
    [servingStatus:protected] => 
    [startDate:protected] => 
    [endDate:protected] => 
    [budget:protected] => Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201809\cm\Budget Object
            [budgetId:protected] => XXXXXXXXX
            [name:protected] => 
            [amount:protected] => 
            [deliveryMethod:protected] => 
            [referenceCount:protected] => 
            [isExplicitlyShared:protected] => 
            [status:protected] => 

    [conversionOptimizerEligibility:protected] => 
    [adServingOptimizationStatus:protected] => 
    [frequencyCap:protected] => 
    [settings:protected] => 
    [advertisingChannelType:protected] => 
    [advertisingChannelSubType:protected] => 
    [networkSetting:protected] => 
    [labels:protected] => 
    [biddingStrategyConfiguration:protected] => 
Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201809\cm\BiddingStrategyConfiguration Object
            [biddingStrategyId:protected] => 
            [biddingStrategyName:protected] => 
            [biddingStrategyType:protected] => TARGET_SPEND
            [biddingStrategySource:protected] => 
            [biddingScheme:protected] => 
            [bids:protected] => 
            [targetRoasOverride:protected] => 

    [campaignTrialType:protected] => 
    [baseCampaignId:protected] => 
    [forwardCompatibilityMap:protected] => 
    [trackingUrlTemplate:protected] => 
    [finalUrlSuffix:protected] => 
    [urlCustomParameters:protected] => 
    [vanityPharma:protected] => 
    [universalAppCampaignInfo:protected] => 
    [selectiveOptimization:protected] => 

Maybe I'm trying to get max CPC the wrong way? Please tell me how to do it 
the right way.

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