Hi Marian,

The short answer is yes.  The terminology can get a bit confusing at
times, so let me explain the situation just so it's clear to everyone.

Campaigns have CampaignCriterion objects, and AdGroups have
AdGroupCriterion objects.  This layer of objects controls how to
handle the criterion (bidding, negative, etc).  These objects have no

Each of these objects contains a Criterion, which is the actual
Keyword, Placement, etc.  These objects have an ID, which is globally
unique.  That means that the Keyword "cat" has the same ID in every
AdGroup, Campaign, etc.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Sep 29, 12:37 pm, Tiny <marian.ti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create DB model for the new Google API v2009. After
> looking on the services documentation I see that there are Criterions
> for Ad Group and Campaign (just negative criterions) now. In you
> documentation they seems to be the same entity (they have the same
> namespace, the class is just used in two different services).
> Can I put both these Criterions to the same table? Is the Criterion ID
> of AdGroup and Campaign Criterions unique globally now (I remember
> that in previous versions Criterion ID was unique just in the
> specified AdGroup)?
> Thanks, Marian
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