I'm getting multiple rows for the same adgroupID/CriterionID in a
daily criterion performance report requested via the API. I'm pretty
sure this wasn't happening before, but is definitely happening now.

It appears to happen when the adgroup CPA changes for an adgroup whose
campaign has conversion optimizer enabled.  I say this b/c in the two
rows, the agMaxCpa is different, as are the metrics.  One row usually
has zero impressions, clicks, and cost, and either (or both) row/s has/
have transactions, conversions, and convValue values > 0.

2 Questions:
1) pretty sure this is new. Is it?
2) If it is new - is it a bug? or a feature we can count on?


PS: grumble grumble, I had been uploading these reports to a table
with a PK on the date, adgroupID, CriterionID.  Guess that is out!


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