Re: Receive CREATE_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED error for campaign creation

2019-04-30 Thread Mohammad Reza Kiani
Thank you for attention. I can't understand something from your documentation as much as I tried. What is the different between the loginCustomerId which is set in file with the customer id I should use for mutation operations? (for example in campaignServiceClient.mutateCampaigns)

RE: Receive CREATE_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED error for campaign creation

2019-04-29 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Mohammad, I'm glad that the first issue has been resolved. If you are making API calls using OAuth credentials from a manager account and are accessing a related customer account, then you will need to specify the login-customer-Id in the request header. Please check this related blog post

Re: Receive CREATE_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED error for campaign creation

2019-04-29 Thread Mohammad Reza Kiani
I solved that problem by setting api.googleads.loginCustomerId in file and using new customerId in the explicite code (however I didn't understand what was the problem) and adding channelSubType to request. But now I'm receiving this error: Request --- MethodName: