Was in Spain a few weeks ago.  My wife tried to croak on me.  Became incredibly 
ill one night.  One of our daughters finally convinced her she needed an 
ambulance (she would not agree to that when I was trying to get her to).  Super 
high blood sugar, ketones etc.  Learned about the “anion gap” that is a measure 
of blood acidity.  Turns out she had acute diabetic keto acidosis DKA.  So we 
spent our Barcelona vacation in a hospital there.  She got better but they 
would not release her.  I finally just sprung her and we got home and went 
directly to a hospital here.  She was stable enough to go home.  She set up an 
appointment with her Dr and was OK for a week.  Just chalked it up to a 
worsening of her type 2 diabetes.  At the Dr office she became ill again, took 
her to the ER.  They finally figured out that she is one of the people that 
Jardiance can kill.  I causes DKA in some people (usually DKA is reserved for 
type 1 diabetes).  Super scary.  So if someone on Jardiance starts non stop 
vomiting, super (and I mean super) high heart rate (150) and respiration (100) 
it could be this.  Don’t think they simply ate something bad or are dehydrated. 
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