Re: [AFMUG] Fwd: [WISPA Approved Ad] BridgeWave 10Gbps Backhaul Link for $9500! Limited-time Offer for WISPA Principal Members!

2017-11-08 Thread Eric Kuhnke
I have figures from NEC... but I'm wondering. One thing BW conveniently leaves out of the datasheet is required RSL thresholds for operation at qpsk/64/128/256qam at varying channel widths. 10Gb is nice but if the required RSL is -49 for full data rate operation, one has to take that into account

Re: [AFMUG] Fwd: [WISPA Approved Ad] BridgeWave 10Gbps Backhaul Link for $9500! Limited-time Offer for WISPA Principal Members!

2017-11-08 Thread Gino A. Villarini<>">> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Fwd: [WISPA Approved Ad] BridgeWave 10Gbps Backhaul Link for $9500! Limited-time Offer for WISPA Principal Members! A datasheet is attached. Also the Bridgewave-calculated parameters for a 3000 meter link in Ne