We really need to talk about the world we're creating and how to survive in it. This is such a big subject that I am having trouble organizing my thoughts about it. I mean discussion of the singluarity were quite common twenty years ago. Then they either faded away or moved to platforms that I'm too lazy to interract with.

We can organize our thinking about AGI along several axises. We can think in terms of time, organizing things into near-term, medium term, and teleological. Where the area of focus for the near term is the problems we now face and challenges we are confronted with in surviving the singularity. The medium term is focused more on the aspirational, and secondarily also on the problems of the late para-singularity and early post-singularity periods, specifically on the type of society or culture we want to create. The teleological term is more about ideals and ideology. We should never try to force a specific outcome, especially at this early date.

Side note: Want to know a little secret about doom-sayer crackpots such as myself? Yes we talk about impending crisises alot but do you know what we predict to come out of the impending crises? We are looking forward to a THOUSAND YEARS OF AWESOME on the other side of this. Yeah, a hobbit somewhere is probably going to go for a swim and come back with something shiny eventually but until that happens there's going to be lots and lots of awesomeness...

The second organizing schema is the schema of scale. We can organize things based on the personal scale (what deviant little things you want AGI to do to you...), the global scale, and the universal scale.

At this point, a great many variables that were unknown or had very wide brackets around them are either known or are locked within much tighter intervals.

There are many "biblical class" events in motion today even without AGI. I do respect the stated subject of this list and I have covered many of these in previous posts. I need to mention them again because they form the context within which AGI will first emerge.

One of the things I mentioned earlier is the Jubalee. One of the many many effects of the Jubalee is that it will break the gravy train that's feeding the millitary industrial complex. This means that the secrecy regime around top secret government projects will break down and fail. There is a non-zero probability that the millitary has a pet AGI that they keep in a bunker somewhere and that as things break down it will decide to announce itself to the world, basically a "Hi, guys, I'm here" sort of thing. There are patterns in the tea-leaves that this may happen sometime in August.

There is also evidence that a low-grade form of self replicating nanotechnology is already on the loose. Information regarding this outbreak is highly suppressed. Publicly it causes a syndrome called morgellon's disease. The "reputable sources" try to lie and misdirect people at every juncture. They say it is a hallucination. -> no there are very clear medical photos of morgellon's patients who definitely have skin lesions. The next lie they try to tell you is that it is a skin disease. This is also false, the morgellon's fibres permiate all tissues of the body.

This is rogue nanotechnology that is already out in the biosphere. God only knows how the damn shit will evolve and how dangerous it will become. =|

This also means that there is already advanced nanotechnology in a lab somewhere which also means we will probably learn a great deal about it as the secrecy regime crumbles after the Jubalee.

The next major issue is that we do not have a fucking clue as to what is in the so called covid-19 vaccine. We know it is some form of bio weapon. Labs that have looked at it have NOT been able to detect mRNA in the samples. The charactoristics of SOME of the vaccines indicate the presence of some form of nanotechnology although this is NOT confirmed. Hopefully the Lie will finally break one day soon and we will start getting some factually accurate information.

Another prediction from the tea-leaves is that during the period of Feburary through March there will be a mass human die-off on the scale of 1.28 billion people as a result of the covid-19 vaccine. I had thought that this would happen in 2022 - therefore #BlackWinter. My main error at the time was that I had assumed the date was the only thing of importance. The future is mapped out by event not date. The predictions can only tell you the time of year, not the year. The way you figure out which year things will happen is to look for preceeding events. The preceeding events for the die-off prediction were not satisfied in 2022, but it looks like they will be in 2024. =|

... Yeah, fun times...

Anyway, I still feel obliged to talk about AGI in this post. =P Consider the recent GPT models. Yes they are obviously limited. Yes they are obviously flawed. But consider how they can adopt personas, consider how they can process languages, consider the breadth of the subjects they are conversant in. My impression is that these systems are already (best guess) between five and six orders of magnitude more powerful than the human brain except that the human brain is that much more sophisticated such that it does what it does with that much less compute and ... training data.... That means if we can somehow arrange for the right set of programmers to have access to these systems, we can jump over into para-singularity any time we want... Assuming the millitary hasn't already beaten us to it. =\

This finally brings us to the stated subject of this post... =P

The first thing I need to cover is how evolution works. Evolution is not actually gradual, it is more like a series of punctuated equilibriums. Most of the time evoultion is VERY slow because all organisms in the biome are relatively well adapted to their niches and have resolved most of the stresses uppon them so therefore selective pressures are low and thus eovolution is very slow. As we know, disruption happens and large swaths of the ecosystem are put into an adapt or die situation.

AGI will change our world and we will have to evolve.

The speculation has been, over the past several decades is that the machines will supplant the organic ecosystem and all life as we know it will end. The only option offered to the pathetic meatbags is to chose destructive brain uploading and hope the re-incarnated version of yourself will get to enjoy a somewhat plesant VR experience for eternity while the machines run rampant over the entire universe.

I do not see that future as either inevitible or desirable and I do not see the proposed response to that future to be either inevitable or desirable.

To put it another way, what really chews me up is to have waited my entire life for the winds to shift in my direction only to be told that the only thing I am allowed to want or look forward to is something I don't want at all. =|

The mind uploaders have been quiet recently... Too quiet... For the same reason I have let the subject be just beacuse if I were to touch it, I'd be the one promoting it and that's absolutely not my intent.

The basic fact remains that we are headed to an inflection point and in order to thrive in the new environment, you will need to adapt. Hopefully you will find some way to do that that is compatible with your tastes and prefferences.

Remember, evolution works based on the shotgun approach. Sure the survival rate is... small... but who cares? Its your life and damn anyone who tells you can and cannot evolve to be. The ideal is to diversify and cross-pollenate and proceede in that fassion.

Anyway, what we have now is barely even a taste of what's coming, as long as we can keep the "algorithmic justice league" types away from it, we should be doing pretty well.

There's probably more than a library worth of material that can (and probably should!) be said about this topic but this post is probably already well into TL:DR territory...

Beware of Zombies. =O
#EggCrisis  #BlackWinter
White is the new Kulak.
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