Not.yet.but being dedicated to the mission you'd think I'd be part of
the AGI supermen no!?!!?!? Why can't they teach me.why am I not even in
some team already Mentoring a newcomer is not really a trouble because
feeew want to work on AGI hard, so it is all worth it. One more
> should now be looked into by us and by the openAI team
Do they work with you (OpenAI)?!
Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
Delivery options: https://agi.t
Is anyone interested? Maybe better if ask who wants to contribute to advancing
GPT/ DALL-E. It would be desired if we can also help each other implement /
understand GPT and DALL-E.
I understand some don't like GPT, but nothing else can perform like it at
scale, and it has predictive ability th