ReLU is a literal switch. An electrical switch is n volts in, n volts out when 
on. Zero volts out when off.
The weighted sum (dot product) of a number of weighted sums is still a linear 

For a particular input to a ReLU neural network all the switches are decidedly 
in either the on or off state. A particular linear projection is in effect 
between the input and output.

For a particular input and a particular output neuron there is a particular 
composition of weighted sums that may be condensed down into a single 
equivalent weighted sum.
You can look at that to see what it is looking at in the input or calculate 
some metrics like the angle between the input and the weight vector of the 
equivalent weighted sum.
If the angle is near 90 degrees and the output of the neuron is large then the 
vector length of weight vector must be large. That makes the output very 
sensitive to noise in the inputs. If the angle is near zero then there are 
averaging and central limit theorem effects that provide some error correction.

Since ReLU switches at zero there are no sudden discontinuities in the output 
of an ReLU neural network for gradual change in the input. It is a seamless 
system of switched linear projections.

There are efficient algorithms for calculating certain dot products like the 
There is no reason you cannot incorporate those directly into ReLU neural 
networks since they are fully compatible, all dot products are friends!

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