My tiny little brain has gotten itself obsessed with the 8086 CPU because very few such computers were ever produced, most vintage computers (XT class) used the cut down 8088 CPU. The advantage the true 8086 had being the ability to use a 16-bit data bus. Yes, I realize that spending time developing such a machine is pretty stupid at this point. Now what actually does make sense is designing a series of excercises to develop and refine AGI.

So you could think of it in trems of a training work-book. The preface would be that these are excercises to dvelop and refine AGI systems, human interraction, and technical competence through a series of progressively more sophisticated tasks. I'm in the mood to think about hardware today, but the essential pattern of progressively more challenging tasks seems robust across domains. The difference between AGI instruction and human instruction is that human instruction focuses on developing and training small competencies and slowly building up. AGI processees information differently and can manage a deep task-stack and therefore probably learns better by being given an over-arching goal and obtaining the information that would serve that goal.

## 1 ##

design and build a computer based on the 8080 CPU       (the 8080 family of CPU has been enormously popular for a long time, rivaling the 6802) The machine is should be capable of being mounted in a commercially available chassis and reliably performing a task appropriate to its capacity.

This is a very loose spec  but gives many opportunities for human-machine interraction where the user asks the AGI questions about the design or offers suggestions or refines the request as things progress.

## 2 ##
Design an IBM PC-compatible computer according to standards established by the IBM PC-AT using an 8086 CPU, 8088 math processor, and 8042 system management processor.  (Features of the PC-AT class machine that are not available on the 8086 processor may be omitted.) The board must fit in an ATX chassis and support 8 and 16 bit ISA perihperals and be able to load and run DOS and DOS applications and must support existing 8 and 16 bit expansion cards that don't require pins A20 - A23 or 286+ instructions to operate.

Basically, I'd continue in this manner until I was asking it to design machines that push the state of the art...

Don't let the moon-men get you! =P
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