The project was founded officially in 2001 but for much of the time between 2001 and 2004 there was NOBODY working on it full time. All of us founders had "day jobs", either actual jobs or AI consulting jobs, needed to pay the bills.

For the last couple years there were 2-3 people working on it full-time. Now there are 3 people working on it full-time, and a fourth just came on board, but hasn't come up to speed yet. Plus much-valued part-time efforts from a few others.

Actually, I realized I phrased things a little too pessimistically in the above.

During the period 2001-2004, we had a number of staff working on consulting projects that used the Novamente core system to do various practical narrow-AI things like natural language processing and bioinformatic data analysis. This helped us build out the core system and refine various AI algorithms used within the Novamente AGI system. But still, it's different than having staff actually working on building out Novamente **as an AGI system**. The work done on these Novamente-core-utilizing consulting projects did get us a certain distance toward AGI, but in the end we found there was only so much mileage we could get this way, because the requirements of the consulting projects were too different from the requirements of Novamente as an AGI system.

Which led us to our current direction ... which I will discuss in another email a little later ;-)


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