I think in the past there were always difficult technological problems
leading to a conceptual controversy how to solve these problems. Time has
always shown which approaches were successful and which were not successful.

The fact, that we have so many philosophical discussions show that we still
are at the beginning. There is still no real evidence for a certain AGI
approach to be a successful approach. Sorry, this is just my opinion. 

And this is the only(!!) reason why AGI doubters can still survive.

I am no AGI doubter at all. In my opinion a lot of people want to make
things more complicated than they are.

AGI is possible! Proof: We exist.

AGI is easy! Proof: Our genome is less than 1GB, i.e. less than your
USB-stick. How much is need for our brain? Probably Windows Vista needs more
memory than AGI.

We always have to think about the huge computational and memory resources of
the brain with massively concurrent computing.
We can therefore assume that a lot of mythical things like creativity are
nothing else than brute force giant database phenomena of the brain.
Especially, before there isn't any evidence that things must be complicated
we should assume that they are easy.

The AGI community suffers from its own main assumption that AGI is
For instance, things like Gödel' theorem  etc are of no relevance at all.
All we want to build is a finite system with a maximum number of
applications. Gödel says absolutely nothing against this goal.

Further problem: AGI approaches are often too much anthropomorphized
approaches. (embodiment, natural language ,... sorry).

-  Matthias

We need to work more on the foundations, to understand whether we are
going in the right direction on at least good enough level to persuade
other people (which is NOT good enough in itself, but barring that,
who are we kidding).

Vladimir Nesov

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