RPI for decades has been working various cutting edge AI projects. And IBM
is a long time sponsor.


Better than Second Life, is a virtual world modeled after the real world.
Like Google Earth with its model buildings, as it gets better, having AI
entities serve useful purposes. So a virtual world CAD'ish type wikiland
where data of the environment is supplied by everyone and multiple sources.
And then intelligent agents facilitate growth and refinement of the data
acquisition. Current internet data is all smushed out, it's not aggregated
in the right places. Does all this lead up to global simulation?


Is all data and knowledge accumulation an attractor to the ultimate
universal simulator? Data and knowledge will tend to eliminate redundancy
towards a reduction of energy state, so knowledge may coalesce into a
reality mirror and hyperreality extrapolation as time goes on. IOW after a
while the hyperreality will render reality minimalistic.


OOPS sorry folks nobody said brainfarts are not allowed on the AGI list!







From: Derek Zahn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 8:39 AM
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Subject: [agi] AI in virtual worlds -- popular press


For those who might not have seen it yet, seems this concept is becoming
rather popular:


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