I initiate an election for Horton, nominating myself.

I intend to deputise for Horton to publish Horton's weekly report for
the week Mon. 23 - Sun. 29.

I submit a proposal with adoption index 2 and title {fixing another
problem with WotE} and text
 Amend Rule 2357 by appending the text
  *If 5 or more Elders are Objectors to an intent, Agora is not
Satisfied with that intent, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. Any
Elder is eligible to object to any intent, rules to the contrary

I withdraw my previous proposal titled {Clock Golems}.
I submit a proposal with adoption index 2 and title {Clock Golems} and text
 Create a rule with title {Clock Golems} and text
  Clock Golems are a class of second-class persons and a class of
assets. Golemkeepor is an elected Office. The Golemkeepor is the
recordkeepor for Clock Golems. Alarm is a Clock Golem timer. The Alarm
of a Clock Golem is counting down iff it is not zero. When the Alarm
of a Clock Golem becomes zero, that Clock Golem cashes all promises in
eir possession that e CAN cash, and is then destroyed. Any player CAN
create a Clock Golem in eir possession by announcement, specifying its
Alarm. Decreasing the Alarm of a Clock Golem is secured. Causing a
Clock Golem to act is secured. The Golemkeepor's report includes the
Alarm and set of promises owned by each Clock Golem. The Golemkeepor
CAN destroy any Clock Golem Without Objection. When a Clock Golem is
destroyed, all promises in eir possession are destroyed.

I intend to deputise for the Promotor to publish the Promotor's report
for the week Mon. 16 - Sun. 22 and distribute the proposals currently
in the proposal pool that were in there at the beginning of Mon. 16.

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