As the sole party, and giving my own consent, I amend the Agoran Press
contract by replacing each instance of "Coins" with "Boatloads of

(Below is the old text.)

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Agoran Press" (initial revision)
> Parties: Falsifian
> Donation Level: 25
> Summary:
> Coordinates Agoran journalism and payment for same. If you want to
> report on the current week, just join and take the Weekly Assignment
> (unless it's already taken).
> ----------
> Purpose: support the documentation of Agoran events in a way that
> informs current players and non-players and also supports future
> research.
> -- Joining and leaving --
> Parties to this contract are called Reportors.
> Any person CAN become a party to this contract by publicly consenting.
> Any person CAN cease to be a party by announcement, unless e owns the
> Weekly Assignment, or is responsible for publishing a report in the
> current week and has not done so.
> -- Assignment --
> The Weekly Assignment is a unique indestructible asset which can be
> owned by players and this contract. If a non-player owns it, then any
> player CAN transfer it to emself by announcement. If a player owns it, e
> CAN transfer it to this contract by annoucement, but e CANNOT transfer
> it to another player. If the owner is not otherwise determined, this
> contract owns the Weekly Assignment.
> At the end of each week, the Weekly Assignment is transferred to this
> contract. The player (if any) who owned the Weekly Assignment
> immediately before that happened is assigned to that week that is
> ending.
> If a person is Assigned to a week, then e SHALL publish a Weekly Report
> during the following week, summarizing notable events for the Assigned
> week. Notability, and what must be included in a summary, are at the
> author's discretion. (If this becomes a problem, we can sort it out
> later.)
> -- Payment --
> Credits are a currency. If a player is Assigned to a week, then the
> first time e publishes a Weekly Report for that week e is granted one
> credit. (No time limit for payment; late is better than never.)
> Whenever a player owns a Credit and this contract owns at least 5 Coins,
> that player CAN transfer 5 Coins from this contract to emself by
> announcement. When e does so, one of eir Credits is destroyed.
> The Editor is the recordkeepor for Credits. The player Assigned to the
> previous week is the recordkeepor for Credits, or Falsifian if nobody is
> Assigned.
> -- Amendment --
> Any Reportor can propose an amendment to this contract by announcement.
> If an amendment was proposed at least 2 days ago, at least two thirds
> (rounded up) of all Reportors consent to it, and it has not yet been
> applied, then any Reportor can apply it by announcement, causing this
> contract to be amended according to it.
> ----------
> History:
> 13 Aug 15:22 2020: contract created by Falsifian
> 21 Aug 20:38 2020: donation level set to 25 by ATMunn
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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