I submit the following proposal, and I pledge to either pend or withdraw 
it within the next 48 hours:


Title: Competitive Finger Pointing
AI: 1.7
Author: nix
Coauthors: Aris, PSS, ATMunn

Amend R2478, "Vigilante Justice" by adding after the list items:

     Initiating a Finger Pointing found to be Shenanigans is the class
     0+N crime of Unjustified Gesticulation, where N is the number
     of times e has previously committed the crime in the current Agoran 

and by adding, to the very end of the rule:

     The player who initiated the most Finger Pointings that resulted
     in an Indictment or Cold Hand of Justice in the previous Agoran
     Week CAN once grant emself a Justice Card by announcement.

[This is more or less functionally the same as a previous version. The 
main notable difference is that I replaced "previous 7 days" with Agoran 
Weeks. I just think this is easier to figure out without requiring 
someone to track it. ]


Prime Minister, Webmastor, Platonic Pirate

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