Title: Stamp fungibility
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Janet
Coauthors: Murphy

Amend Rule 2659 by appending the following to the paragraph beginning
"For each person": " Stamps of any given type are a currency.".


Title: Stamp fungibility correction
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Janet

Ratify the following document:


This document is true at the time of ratification (that is, the truth
time is the application time).

The gamestate, other than the ruleset, is what it would be if Rule 2659
("Stamps") had been enacted with its second paragraph reading "For each
person there is a corresponding type of stamp. Stamps with the same type
and owner are fungible." instead of "For each person there is a
corresponding type of stamp.".

The above notwithstanding, the referendum on the proposal causing this
document to be ratified was validly resolved as ADOPTED, and said
proposal is taking effect.



Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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