> On May 19, 2017, at 3:13 PM, Alex Smith <ais...@alumni.bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 2017-05-16 at 06:19 -0400, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> wrote:
>> CFJ: A non-player can hold an office and judge judgments.
> This is CFJ 3495. I assign it to o. (I can't link it with the CFJ
> called in the below-quoted message because it was called by the judge
> of that CFJ, and e has a fairly high case workload at the moment as it
> is.)

I find the statement

        A non-player can hold an office and judge judgments.


We can address it in two parts:

1. A non-player can hold an office.

2. A non-player can judge judgements.

The first is trivially true. Rule 1006 sets out the requirements of an 

> Officeholder is an office switch tracked by the ADoP, with possible values of 
> any person or "vacant”.

As any person can hold an office, it is trivially the case that a non-player 
person can hold an office.

The second is more complicated.

Rule 991 allows the Arbitor to assign only players to a CFJ:

> When a CFJ has no judge assigned, the Arbitor CAN assign any player to be its 
> judge by announcement, and SHALL do so within a week.

(It also sets out some criteria restricting the set of eligible players.)

However, no rule requires that a judge be recused if they cease to be a player, 
and Rule 591 allows the assigned judge to deliver judgement regardless of eir 
status as a player:

> When a CFJ is open and assigned to a judge, that judge CAN assign a valid 
> judgement to it by announcement, and SHALL do so in a timely fashion after 
> this becomes possible.

It is indisputably possible for a player to cease being a player - by 
deregistration, for example - between being assigned to a CFJ and assigning 
judgement to it. As the rules make no provision for this case, by Rule 2125, it 
is unregulated:

> The Rules SHALL NOT be interpreted so as to proscribe unregulated actions.

Therefore, under narrow but possible circumstances, a non-player can judge 

Thus, a non-player can hold an office and judge judgments.


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