Proposal: Social Distancing (AI=3)
Enact a new power-3.01 rule entitled "Eclipse Light", reading as follows:
An emergency message is one whose subject line contains the text "[Emergency]".

The Prime Minister CAN, in an emergency message and with 3 Agoran
consent, enact, amend, or repeal Emergency Regulations, provided that
the intent to do so was also contained in an emergency message.

Emergency Regulations CAN:
  - Extend any deadline provided for by any instrument other than this
rule, including a deadline for an obligation to be met, or deadline
prior to which an action must be performed in order to be valid, such
as the end of voting period. Such an extension CANNOT cause the total
time period, such as the time from when an obligation was created to
the deadline or the whole of a voting period, to be more than double
its original length.
  - Create, destroy, or transfer assets, or require or forbid their
creation, destruction, or transfer.
  - Cause one or more players to win Agora.
  - Appoint or remove officeholders.
  - Modify the Festivity.
  - Award Patent Titles not mentioned in any Rule and Badges.
  - Modify the Publicity of Fora.

The Prime Minister CAN, in an emergency message and with 4 Agoran
Consent, provided that the intent to do so was also contained in an
emergency message, Extend the Emergency.

If the Prime Minister has not Extended the Emergency in the past
month, any player CAN cause this rule to repeal all Emergency
Regulations and then itself.

If the Prime Minister has not sent a message to a public forum in the
preceding four days, the Speaker CAN exercise eir powers under this
rule as if e were the Prime Minister, and notwithstanding any rule
that would prohibit a single player from holding both offices.

[I don't think we actually need an emergency rule. But deadline
extensions might be nice, and I figure a little bit of levity might
help us all.]

[Knowing us, we will manage to not only pass it too late, but also too soon.]

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