[Proto comes to mind with anniversary coming up, and also
the Lime ribbon working imperfectly/uninterestinly]

Amend Rule 2387 (Ribbons) by replacing:
      (+L) If a proposal is adopted, and if only one Player
           other that the proposal's author cast (and did not
           retract) one or more valid votes AGAINST the proposal,
           than both the casting player and the author of the
           proposal earn a Lime Ribbon.
      (+L) When a Player wins an election for Office in which
           there are at least two valid candidates, e earns a
           Lime Ribbon.

[Takes voting games out of ribbons, though leaves it in for
unanimous proposals (Orange).  Though unanimous proposals are
also awarded below - any ideas for new Orange award?].

Create the following Rule, The Suber Classic.

     Subers are a currency tracked by the Herald, restricted
     in ownership to players.  Any player CAN, by announcement, 
     destroy 100 Subers in eir possession to satisfy the Victory 
     Condition of Nomic Classic.  When this Victory Condition is
     satisfied, all Subers are destroyed.

     When a player earns a specified number of Subers, any player
     CAN, in a timely manner, create that many Subers in the
     possession of the earning player, by announcement.  

     A Fan of a given proposal is any player, other than the 
     proposal's author, who cast at least one valid, unretracted
     vote FOR the decision to adopt the proposal, and no valid 
     unretracted votes AGAINST.  
     A Foe of a given proposal is any player, other than the 
     proposal's author, who cast at least one valid, unretracted 
     vote AGAINST the decision to adopt the proposal, and no 
     valid unretracted votes FOR.

     When a decision to adopt a proposal is resolved:

          - If the Proposal is adopted, the author of the proposal 
            earns 3 Subers times the adoption index of the proposal 
            (rounded to the nearest lower integer).

          - If the proposal has no Foes, then the proposal's author
            earns 5 Subers.

          - If the proposal has exactly one Foe, then that Foe 
            earns 10 Subers.

          - If the proposal has exactly one Fan, then that Fan
            earns 15 Subers.

          - If the proposal has no Fans, then the proposal's author
            earns 20 Subers.


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