CoE you missed my wielding of the wealth stone today so the coin balances
are wrong.  (you also missed last week's but that's self-ratified).  -G.

On 1/30/2022 3:41 PM, Trigon via agora-official wrote:
> ========================================================================
>                          FORBES FOUR HUNDRED SIX
> --------------------------------   or   --------------------------------
>                         TREASUROR'S WEEKLY REPORT
> ========================================================================
> Reports available online at: <>
> DATES OF PUBLICATION                                  (contains no data)
> ========================================================================
> (all times and dates in UTC)
> Date of previous original report: 23 January 2022
> Date of first report this week:   30 January 2022
> NOTES ON REPORT                                       (contains no data)
> ========================================================================
> * Find my report drafts on Discord or IRC.
> * As always, please check the general accuracy of this report.
> ========================================================================
> Total Buoyancy:    129005
> Buoyancy Target:   144369
> Unit of Flotation: 52.0000
> ========================================================================
>     Player(+a)      cn     wc    jc    lc    vc    ws    bg    pd    vt
>   ==============  ======  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====
>   ais        [0]    8413     1     1     5     1     0     0     0     0
>   Aspen            14116     1     1     0     1     0     0    10     0
>   ATMunn           14291     0     0     0     0     2     2     4     2
>   banana     [1]     923     1     1     0     1     1     0     3     0
>   Benbot     [2]    1732     1     1     1     1     1     0     0     0
>   Falsifian         1326     2     1     1     1    14     0    13     0
>   G.               17818     1     7     0     1     0     6    11     0
>   Gaelan            4742     1     1     0     1     0     0     3     0
>   Jason            21283     0     0     0     4     0     3    18     2
>   Madrid            1971     1     0     0     0     4     2     2     4
>   Murphy           17829     1     1     1     1     0     0     0    10
>   nix               2200     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   omd               3179     1     1     0     1     0     0     3     0
>   R. Lee            1670     1     1     1     1     0     0     0     0
>   redtara           1670     1     1     1     1     0     0     0     0
>   Sgeo               520     1     1     1     1     0     0     0     0
>   snail      [3]     520     1     1     1     1     0     0     0     0
>   Spyder     [4]    1930     1     1     1     1     0     0     0     0
>   Trigon           15985     3     1     0     2    17     0     0     0
>   tris              1360     1     1     1     1     0     0     0     0
> 0. ais523
> 1. cuddlybanana
> 2. BenbotĀ²
> 3. secretsnail
> 4. TrapdoorSpyder
>     Player(-a)      cn     wc    jc    lc    vc    ws    bg    pd    vt
>   ==============  ======  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====
>   Nathan            1001     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   Pat                980     1     1     1     1     0     0     0     0
>   seventeen  [0]    1112     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0
>   surprise           810     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
> 0. seventeenMachine
>    Contract(00)     cn     wc    jc    lc    vc    ws    bg    pd    vt
>   ==============  ======  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====
>   Blacklist         3652     0     0     0     0     4     2     1     2
>   CB Locker  [0]       0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   D. Corp.   [1]       0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   DragonQE   [2]       0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   Hoard      [3]    4314     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   IBTWWBG    [4]      50     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   PlunderPS  [5]     109     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   Pooling    [6]       0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   Pot        [7]       0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   SEAMSTRESS [8]       0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
> 0. Cuddlebeam's Locker
> 1. Dragon Corporation
> 2. Dragon Quickexchange
> 3. Dragon's Hoard
> 4. I Bet This Was Written By G.
> 5. Plunder Partnership
> 6. Obstructive Pooling
> 7. The Pot
> 8. Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
>     Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
>    Contract(25)     cn     wc    jc    lc    vc    ws    bg    pd    vt
>   ==============  ======  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====
>   Press      [0]    2272     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
> 0. Agoran Press
>       Entity        cn     wc    jc    lc    vc    ws    bg    pd    vt
>   ==============  ======  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====  ====
>   Agora                0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>   L&F Dept.         2467     5     0     4     0     0     1     1     0
> ASSET INDEX                                       (does not self-ratify)
> ========================================================================
> * Tracked by the Treasuror (this report)
>     * Coins (cn)
>     * Cards
>        * Win (wc), Justice (jc), Legislative (lc), Voting (vc)
>     * Products
>        * Winsome (ws), Blot-B-Gone (bg), Pendant (pd), Votive (vt)
> * Tracked by the Referee
>     * Blots
> * Tracked by the Notary
>     * Promises
> * Tracked by the Stonemason
>     * Stones
> RECENT HISTORY                                    (does not self-ratify)
> ========================================================================
> *** Sun 30 January 2022
> [20:49] Jason:  +780cn (Reward: Full Logical Ruleset)
> [20:49] Murphy: +260cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [20:49] G.:     +520cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
> [20:49] ais:    +260cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [20:49] Jason:  +780cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
> [20:49] Aspen:  +780cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
> [20:49] Trigon: +780cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
> [20:49] Murphy: +260cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> [20:02] Jason:  +416cn (B Glitter: CFJ 3938)
> *** Sat 29 January 2022
> [20:37] Falsifian: +  1wc (Transfer Jason)
> [20:37] Jason:     -  1wc (Transfer Falsifian)
> [08:34] snail:     +  1vc (Welcome package: Trigon)
> [08:34] snail:     +  1lc (Welcome package: Trigon)
> [08:34] snail:     +  1jc (Welcome package: Trigon)
> [08:34] snail:     +  1wc (Welcome package: Trigon)
> [08:34] snail:     +520cn (Welcome package: Trigon)
> *** Fri 28 January 2022
> [18:32] Sgeo:  +  1vc (Welcome package: Jason)
> [18:32] Sgeo:  +  1lc (Welcome package: Jason)
> [18:32] Sgeo:  +  1jc (Welcome package: Jason)
> [18:32] Sgeo:  +  1wc (Welcome package: Jason)
> [18:32] Sgeo:  +520cn (Welcome package: Jason)
> [05:02] Aspen: + 10pd (Set of products)
> [05:02] Aspen: -  4lc (Set of cards)
> *** Tue 25 January 2022
> [05:02] Aspen: +1lc (Focus grant)
> [03:48] Jason: -1pd (Pending proposal)
> [03:00] Jason: -1pd (Pending proposal)
> *** Mon 24 January 2022
> [17:18] ATMunn: + 1ws (Focus grant)
> [02:07] G.:     - 1pd (Pending proposal)
> [02:07] G.:     +10pd (Set of products)
> [02:07] G.:     - 4lc (Set of cards)
> [00:24] G.:     + 1jc (Finger pointer)
> *** Sun 23 January 2022
> [23:04] banana:    +   3pd (Transfer Jason)
> [23:04] Jason:     -   3pd (Transfer banana)
> [23:04] Jason:     +  10pd (Set of products)
> [23:04] Jason:     -   4lc (Set of cards)
> [23:04] Jason:     +   1lc (Transfer banana)
> [23:04] banana:    -   1lc (Transfer Jason)
> [22:49] G.:        -   2bg (Blotting: Trigon)
> [22:45] G.:        -   2bg (Blotting: Trigon)
> [22:42] Trigon:    +  10ws (Set of products)
> [22:42] Trigon:    -   4wc (Set of cards)
> [22:35] Falsifian: +   6ws (Transfer Jason)
> [22:35] Jason:     -   6ws (Transfer Falsifian)
> [22:27]   Buoyancy target set to 144369
> [22:25]   WEEKLY REPORT
> [21:53] Trigon:    +1200cn (Transfer Jason)
> [21:53] Jason:     -1200cn (Transfer Trigon)
> [21:53] Jason:     +   4vc (Transfer Trigon)
> [21:53] Trigon:    -   4vc (Transfer Jason)
> [21:53] Jason:     +   1lc (Transfer Trigon)
> [21:53] Trigon:    -   1lc (Transfer Jason)
> [21:53] Trigon:    + 850cn (Transfer Jason)
> [21:53] Jason:     - 850cn (Transfer Trigon)
> [21:11] G.:        -   1pd (Pending proposal)
> [20:58] Murphy:    + 260cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [20:58] G.:        + 520cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
> [20:58] Jason:     + 260cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
> [20:58] ais:       + 260cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [20:58] Murphy:    + 260cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> [20:56] Murphy:    -   1pd (Pending proposal)
> [20:56] Murphy:    +   1vc (Focus grant)
> [20:28] ais:       + 364cn (Focus grant)
> [20:28] ais:       +   1lc (Focus grant)
> [20:28] G.:        +   1lc (Focus grant)
> [20:25] Jason:     +   1wc (Victory raffle)
> [20:01] G.:        +   3jc (Transfer L&F Dept.: Victory auction: 3jc)
> [20:01] L&F Dept.: -   3jc (Transfer G.: Victory auction: 3jc)
> [20:01] G.:        -1200cn (Victory auction: 3jc)
> [20:01] banana:    +   1wc (Victory auction: 1wc)
> [20:01] banana:    -2000cn (Victory auction: 1wc)
> *** Sun 16 January 2022
> [19:16] Murphy: +260cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [19:16] ais:    +260cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [19:16] ATMunn: +520cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
> [19:16] Trigon: +780cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
> [19:16] ais:    +260cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [19:16] Murphy: +260cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> [18:17] Jason:  +468cn (E Glitter: Rulekeepor)
> [18:17] Trigon: +468cn (E Glitter: Rulekeepor)
> *** Sat 15 January 2022
> [19:31] Trigon: -500cn (Stone Auction: Blank Stone)
> [19:31] Trigon: -500cn (Stone Auction: Alchemy Stone)
> *** Thu 13 January 2022
> [00:50] Falsifian: +10pd (Set of products)
> [00:50] Falsifian: - 4lc (Set of cards)
> [00:49] Falsifian: + 1ws (Focus grant)
> *** Wed 12 January 2022
> [21:47] Jason:     +   1ws (Focus grant)
> [18:31] G.:        + 260cn (Wielding Wealth Stone)
> [18:27] Trigon:    +   1ws (Focus grant)
> [06:06] Falsifian: +   4lc (Victory Auction: 4lc)
> [06:06] Falsifian: -1000cn (Victory Auction: 4lc)
> [06:06] Trigon:    +   1wc (Victory Auction: Win Card)
> [06:06] Trigon:    - 500cn (Victory Auction: Win Card)
> *** Sun 9 January 2022
> [23:28]   Buoyancy target set to 144609
> [23:25]   WEEKLY REPORT
> [20:47] banana: +260cn (Reward: Webmastor monthly)
> [20:47] Murphy: +260cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [20:47] Jason:  +260cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
> [20:47] Aspen:  +780cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
> [20:47] Trigon: +780cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
> [20:47] Murphy: +260cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> *** Tue 4 January 2022
> [03:00] Jason: +1ws (Wielding Concentration Stone)
> *** Sun 2 January 2022
> [21:45]   Buoyancy target set to 142009
> [21:44]   WEEKLY REPORT
> [21:32] Murphy: +260cn (Reward: Tailor monthly)
> [21:32] Jason:  +780cn (Reward: Full Logical Ruleset)
> [21:32] Jason:  +780cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
> [21:32] Murphy: +260cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [21:32] ais:    +260cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [21:32] Jason:  +780cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
> [21:32] ais:    +260cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [21:32] Trigon: +780cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
> [21:32] Murphy: +260cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> *** Sat 1 January 2022
> [00:00] tris:      + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Trigon:    + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Spyder:    + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] redtara:   + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] R. Lee:    + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Press:     +1300cn (Payday: donation level=25)
> [00:00] Press:     - 971cn (Payday: charity coin destruction)
> [00:00] omd:       + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] nix:       + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Murphy:    + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Madrid:    + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Jason:     + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Gaelan:    + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] G.:        + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Falsifian: + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Benbot:    + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] banana:    + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] ATMunn:    + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Aspen:     + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00] ais:       + 520cn (Payday)
> [00:00]   RELEVELING: TB=129005, UF=52.0000
> *** Fri 31 December 2021
> [23:51] G.:        +225cn (Wielding Wealth Stone)
> [02:51] Trigon:    +  5vc (Transfer L&F Dept.: Victory auction: voting 
> cards)
> [02:51] L&F Dept.: -  5vc (Transfer Trigon: Victory auction: voting cards)
> [02:51] Trigon:    -800cn (Victory auction: voting cards)
> [02:51] Trigon:    +  1wc (Victory auction: win card)
> [02:51] Trigon:    -800cn (Victory auction: win card)
> *** Tue 28 December 2021
> [04:33] Jason: +270cn (Reward: Proposal 8634)
> [04:32] Jason: +  1lc (Popular proposal: Proposal 8634)
> *** Tue 21 December 2021
> [00:20]   Buoyancy target set to 129005
> [00:17]   WEEKLY REPORT
> *** Sun 19 December 2021
> [20:46] nix:    +450cn (Reward: Herald monthly)
> [20:46] Murphy: +225cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [20:46] G.:     +450cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
> [20:46] Jason:  +225cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
> [20:46] ais:    +225cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [20:46] Aspen:  +675cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
> [20:46] Trigon: +675cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
> [20:46] G.:     +450cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
> [20:46] Murphy: +225cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> *** Fri 17 December 2021
> [17:32] G.:    +225cn (Wielding Wealth Stone)
> [04:19] G.:    -500cn (Stone auction: Protection Stone)
> [04:19] Jason: -550cn (Stone auction: Recursion Stone)
> *** Sun 12 December 2021
> [21:51]   Buoyancy target set to 126230
> [21:49]   WEEKLY REPORT
> [18:18] Murphy: +225cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [18:18] ais:    +225cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [18:18] Jason:  +225cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
> [18:18] ATMunn: +450cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
> [18:18] Murphy: +225cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> *** Wed 8 December 2021
> [21:12] G.:    +225cn (Wielding Wealth Stone)
> [18:10] G.:    -200cn (Stone auction: Wealth Stone)
> [18:10] Jason: -200cn (Stone auction: Soul Stone)
> *** Mon 6 December 2021
> [17:37] Jason: -1pd (Pending Proposal: Laudability)
> *** Sun 5 December 2021
> [22:24] Jason:     -  1pd (Pending Proposal: Laudability)
> [22:24] Murphy:    +225cn (Reward: Tailor monthly )
> [22:24] G.:        +225cn (Reward: Ministor monthly)
> [22:24] banana:    +225cn (Reward: Webmastor monthly)
> [22:24] Jason:     +675cn (Reward: Full Logical Ruleset)
> [22:24] Jason:     +675cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
> [22:24] Murphy:    +225cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [22:24] G.:        +450cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
> [22:24] Jason:     +225cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
> [22:24] ais:       +225cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [22:24] Jason:     +675cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
> [22:24] Trigon:    +675cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
> [22:24] Murphy:    +225cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> [22:10] Falsifian: +405cn (O Glitter: Proposal 8633)
> [22:10] Falsifian: +405cn (R Glitter: Proposal 8633)
> [22:08] Murphy:    + 10vt (Set of products)
> [22:08] Murphy:    -  4vc (Set of cards)
> [22:08] Murphy:    +  1vc (Focus grant)
> [15:52] ATMunn:    +  1ws (Focus grant)
> [15:18] nix:       +  1wc (Legacy grant)
> [14:50] G.:        + 10bg (Set of products)
> [14:50] G.:        -  4jc (Set of cards)
> [14:50] G.:        +  1jc (Finger pointer)
> [14:50] G.:        +  1lc (Focus grant)
> *** Sat 4 December 2021
> [03:16] Jason: +1ws (Wielding Concentration Stone)
> *** Fri 3 December 2021
> [23:23] ais:       +1lc (Focus grant)
> [22:27] Jason:     +1ws (Focus grant)
> [18:42] Falsifian: +1lc (Popular proposal: Proposal 8633)
> [18:39] Falsifian: +1ws (Focus grant)
> *** Wed 1 December 2021
> [00:00] tris:      + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Trigon:    + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Spyder:    + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] redtara:   + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] R. Lee:    + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Press:     +1125cn (Payday: donation level=25)
> [00:00] Press:     - 817cn (Payday: charity coin destruction)
> [00:00] omd:       + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] nix:       + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Murphy:    + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Madrid:    + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Jason:     + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Gaelan:    + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] G.:        + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Falsifian: + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Benbot:    + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] banana:    + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] ATMunn:    + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Aspen:     + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00] ais:       + 450cn (Payday)
> [00:00]   RELEVELING: TB=110644, UF=45.0000
> *** Tue 30 November 2021
> [16:18] G.: +1lc (Personal grant)
> *** Mon 29 November 2021
> [03:52] Falsifian: +156cn (Reward: Proposal 8633)
> [03:52] G.:        +312cn (Reward: Proposal 8631)
> *** Sun 28 November 2021
> [23:43]   Buoyancy target set to 110644
> [23:42]   WEEKLY REPORT
> [21:40] Murphy: +195cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [21:40] G.:     +390cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
> [21:40] ais:    +195cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [21:40] Trigon: +585cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
> [21:40] Murphy: +195cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> [21:06] G.:     +312cn (G Glitter: Ministor)
> [21:06] G.:     +351cn (O Glitter: Proposal 8631)
> [13:27] ais:    +  1lc (Personal grant: Legislation)
> [11:54] Aspen:  +  1lc (Personal grant: Legislation)
> *** Tue 23 November 2021
> [03:51] G.: +1lc (Popular proposal: Proposal 8631)
> *** Sun 21 November 2021
> [23:27]   Buoyancy target set to 108421
> [23:21]   WEEKLY REPORT
> *** Mon 15 November 2021
> [22:30] Jason:  +585cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
> [22:30] Murphy: +195cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [22:30] G.:     +390cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
> [22:30] ais:    +195cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [22:30] G.:     +195cn (Reward: Tracker of the Device weekly)
> [22:30] Murphy: +195cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> *** Sun 14 November 2021
> [23:29] Murphy: +  1vc (Personal grant: Participation)
> [23:26] nix:    +390cn (Reward: Herald monthly)
> [23:26] Murphy: +195cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [23:26] Trigon: +585cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
> [23:26] G.:     +195cn (Reward: Tracker of the Device weekly)
> [23:26] G.:     +390cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
> [23:26] ATMunn: +390cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
> [23:26] ais:    +195cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [23:26] Aspen:  +585cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
> [23:26] Trigon: +585cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
> [23:26] Murphy: +195cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> [23:05]   Buoyancy target set to 102961
> [22:42]   WEEKLY REPORT
> *** Fri 12 November 2021
> [05:21] tris: +  1vc (Welcome package: Aspen)
> [05:21] tris: +  1lc (Welcome package: Aspen)
> [05:21] tris: +  1jc (Welcome package: Aspen)
> [05:21] tris: +  1wc (Welcome package: Aspen)
> [05:21] tris: +390cn (Welcome package: Aspen)
> *** Sun 7 November 2021
> [23:20]   WEEKLY REPORT
> [22:54] Murphy:    + 195cn (Reward: Tailor monthly )
> [22:54] G.:        + 195cn (Reward: Ministor monthly)
> [22:54] Trigon:    + 585cn (Reward: Treasuror monthly)
> [22:54] Murphy:    + 195cn (Reward: Tailor weekly)
> [22:54] ais:       + 195cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
> [22:54] Jason:     + 195cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
> [22:54] Trigon:    + 585cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
> [22:54] G.:        + 195cn (Reward: Tracker of the Device weekly)
> [22:54] G.:        + 390cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
> [22:54] Murphy:    + 195cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
> [22:09] G.:        -1600cn (Victory Auction: Justice Card)
> [22:09] G.:        +   4jc (Transfer L&F Dept.: Victory Auction: Justice 
> Card)
> [22:09] L&F Dept.: -   4jc (Transfer G.: Victory Auction: Justice Card)
> [22:09] Trigon:    -1900cn (Victory Auction: Win Card)
> [22:09] Trigon:    +   1wc (Victory Auction: Win Card)
> *** Thu 4 November 2021
> [01:35] L&F Dept.: +   1bg (Indeterminate owner: was Shy_Owl)
> [01:35] L&F Dept.: +   1vc (Indeterminate owner: was Shy_Owl)
> [01:35] L&F Dept.: +   1lc (Indeterminate owner: was Shy_Owl)
> [01:35] L&F Dept.: +   1jc (Indeterminate owner: was Shy_Owl)
> [01:35] L&F Dept.: +   1wc (Indeterminate owner: was Shy_Owl)
> [01:35] L&F Dept.: +1382cn (Indeterminate owner: was Shy_Owl)
> [00:59] Jason:     +   1ws (Wielding Concentration Stone)
> *** Wed 3 November 2021
> [18:43] Trigon:    +   1wc (Transfer ATMunn)
> [18:43] ATMunn:    -   1wc (Transfer Trigon)
> [18:43] ATMunn:    +1710cn (Transfer Trigon)
> [18:43] Trigon:    -1710cn (Transfer ATMunn)
> [17:30] ATMunn:    +   1wc (Legacy card raffle)
> [17:08] Madrid:    +   1ws (Personal grant: Legacy)
> [04:27] Trigon:    +   1ws (Personal grant: Legacy)
> [04:26] Jason:     +   1ws (Personal grant: Legacy)
> [04:23] Falsifian: +   1ws (Personal grant: Legacy)
> *** Mon 1 November 2021
> [00:07] ais:       +195cn (Wielding Wealth Stone)
> [00:00] Trigon:    +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Spyder:    +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Shy Owl:   +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] redtara:   +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] R. Lee:    +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Press:     +975cn (Payday: donation level=25)
> [00:00] Press:     -659cn (Payday: charity coin destruction)
> [00:00] omd:       +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] nix:       +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Murphy:    +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Madrid:    +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Jason:     +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Gaelan:    +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] G.:        +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Falsifian: +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Benbot:    +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] banana:    +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] ATMunn:    +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] Aspen:     +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00] ais:       +390cn (Payday)
> [00:00]   RELEVELING: TB=95615, UF=39.0000

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