I’m getting quite a few AGAINST votes on my proposal 8259 ("Clean up your own 
mess, without making a bigger one”), and not quite sure about why. The 
proposal’s a bit confusing, so maybe there’s confusion about what it does? I’ll 
attempt to clarify:

The proposal creates an *imposed* office for each otherwise-untracked switch. 
Because offices are by default assigned to the author of the proposal that 
created them, this means that the author of the proposal is responsible for 
tracking the switch. Given that people usually take offices created by their 
proposals anyway, the seems pretty reasonable.

It’s intended to be a temporary mechanism. There’s intentionally no mechanism 
for installing someone else in the “Tracker of *” office—the intent is simply 
to provide a stopgap until we can pass a proposal properly assigning the switch 
to an office.

So, why this and not The Fat Controllor (or the Prime Minister)? A few reasons:
- It’s a little weird to have an office that, most of the time, does nothing. 
Assuming we continue to assign switches to offices (unless we want to start 
intentionally leaving switches to the Fat Controller, which is a bigger 
change), the Fat Controllor will do nothing except for the few weeks in a year 
after a badly-worded proposal is passed.
- We shouldn’t dump work on someone because someone else made an easy-to-make 
mistake in a proposal. The passage of a complex subgame with some untracked 
switches could suddenly give the Fat Controllor a huge workload, possibly at a 
time when they are not able to do so. This goes against the typical Agoran 
philosophy of giving people fairly typical workloads.

That being said, I politely request that Agora reconsider their votes on 
proposal 8259.


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