On Wed, 8 Jan 2020 at 02:37, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> On 1/7/20 6:10 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote:
> > (2) dividing the ruleset itself so that rule categories
> > are more binding, and rules precedence works as "category then power"
> > (e.g. any rule in the "economy" category has precedence over
> > "non-economy" category when it comes to coins; then within the economy
> > category you look at power, and the officer has some extra abilities
> > within their defining category).
> I started drafting something for this a while back, but the wording is
> shoddy, incomplete, and too long. Here's the basic idea though:
> 1. Create a new type of Instrument called a "Module" (bikeshedding
> welcome). Each Module has a list of dependencies (with underpowered
> dependencies prohibited), and some other housekeeping stuff (like a title).
> 2. Give each Rule a switch, called Parent. The power of a rule's parent
> must be _less_ than the rule's power. This means that a Rule can have
> its effective power decreased to the power of a module, but never increased.
> 3. Create a special module called the Default Module with the lowest
> possible power and which depends on all modules. This is the default
> Parent for all Rules. The purpose of this is to allow migrating rules
> incrementally without breaking anything (at first).
> 4. (Wording very incomplete) Change R1030 and R217 to know about modules.
> Do you all like this concept, and is this something worth pursuing? If
> so, I'll make a revised draft public somewhere (probably on GitHub) and
> continue developing it.
> --
> Jason Cobb

[For anyone else trying to catch up --- I think the subject line
"ratifying honour, etc" is being used for three different discussions:
a few messages about G.'s original practical suggestion that officers
use ratification to resolve The Troubles; a lot of messages initiated
by Alexis's suggestion about giving offers power to make rulings; and
Jason Cobb's single message quoted above. I made a new subject for
this one.]

Is this intended to be along the same lines as Trigon's "Interesting
Chambers" proto from September? (Subject lines: "Proto for a new
voting/chamber system" and "Interesting Chambers v2".)

Your proposal is interesting. How did you imagine these being used?

One thing this makes me think of: it would be interesting if Rules,
regulations, provisions in contracts, etc could all be the same kind
of entity, with some of them existing / having power only at the
pleasure of others. E.g. a provision in a contract only has power
insofar as the Rule about contracts says contract rules can have
power. Is that what you had in mind here?

- Falsifian

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