Oh Lordy. POSSIBLE is a requirement for the following:

2154/53 - SHALL requirement to end unresolved elections
2160/20 - Deputization
2466/1 - Acting on behalf
2574/3 - SHALL requirement to resolve zombie-maintainance intents

Luckily, I think that POSSIBLE is obvious enough that it works even without a 
definition, so I don’t think this is a full-on “the rules haven’t been working” 


> On Oct 6, 2019, at 7:52 PM, Jason Cobb <jason.e.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I submit the following proposal (sorry, I know this is after the draft):
> Title: Anything is POSSIBLE
> AI: 3
> Text:
> {
> Amend Rule 2152 ("Mother, May I?") by replacing the text "CAN:" with the text 
> ["POSSIBLE" is used in the Rules right now, but is never defined; this 
> defines it.]
> }
> -- 
> Jason Cobb

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