On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I submit the following propoasl, AI-2, entitled "Overtime":
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Overtime
> Amend R2187 by appending the following:
>   If no players have won by High Score in the past four months,
>   then any Player may place Agora into Overtime with 3 Support.
>   When Agora is in overtime, any announcement awarding or
>   revoking points that is authorized by another Rule awards or
>   revokes double the amount of the announcement.  Agora ceases
>   being in overtime when someone wins by High Score.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -Goethe

I like this idea, but how about a system like the AAA's subsidy? That
is, every so often, if nobody has won by high score, the point
multiplier is incremented. When someone wins, it goes back to 1.


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