On Mon, 27 Oct 2008, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> with:
>      The total number of points a player MAY award in a given week
>      is equal to 5 times the number of first-class players who are
>      members of contracts for which e is contestmaster. Points up to
>      this total CAN be awarded by a player to other members of
>      contracts for which e is the contestmaster by announcement, and
>      MUST be awarded as explicitly described in the contract.

I don't like this.  Points awarded by a contest should be proportional
to the skill at winning that contest which should be proportional to
the number of contestants you are competing against in that contest.
The link shouldn't be spread out among multiple contests.

Honestly, there are always plenty of good ideas for contests, but
I think "fewer contests with more players, higher interest by more 
agorans and higher quality" is better, so am not particularly against 
current one contest/contestmaster.  


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