On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Sean Hunt <ride...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/30/2010 11:06 PM, Sean Hunt wrote:
>> I intend, with two support, to appeal this judgment. Judge Yally failed
>> to consider the long-standing precedent (see, for instance, CFJ 2120) of
>> an obligation implying a mechanism.
>> -coppro
> It has been pointed out to me that I misread Yally's arguments and that my
> argument is invalid. I will still continue with the intent to appeal,
> however, as Yally has a) failed to describe which, if any, of the
> circumstances described in Murphy's argument are true b) incorrectly
> referred to awarding Murphy points, when that was not a subject of the CFJ
> c) assuming he referred to Murphy awarding me points in his second
> paragraph, his arguments are contradictory, as he says that Murphy CANNOT
> award me points, but would be GUILTY of a crime if e did not.
> -coppro

Ah. Of course I meant to say that about failing to award coppro
points, not Murphy.

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