Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2630
("The Administrative State"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2630 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2630/2 (Power=2.0)
The Administrative State

       Each officer CAN, with 1.5 Agoran consent, enact, amend, or repeal
       eir own office's Administrative Regulations. If e has won an
       election for the office in the last 7 days, e CAN repeal them by
       announcement.  Administrative Regulations have the following
1. An officer SHALL NOT violate requirements in eir office's
          administrative regulations clearly intended to be punishable as
          rules violations in the discharge of eir office.
       2. Any player CAN act on behalf of an officer to exercise eir
          official powers as authorized by eir office's administrative
       3. All players SHOULD abide by an officer's administrative
          regulations in matters relating to eir area of responsibility.

Each officer CAN, with 1.5 Agoran consent, enact, amend, or repeal eir
own office's devices.

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