One of schunt's recent proposals went even further with the idea that being
able to make a proposal "pending" is the Coolest Thing in this game, a
power worth working for, and a worthy Promotor-related Cabinet Order.

However, "I have this great idea for a rule change, and it would get votes,
but I can't get the proposal through the system" never happens. Partly
because the total spending power is so high, but also because most
rule-changes that end up passing do so on the basis that they are "Good
Changes", and not just "A Thing I Personally Like (and others don't)". At
least it feels that way to me. So if we were to decrease the total spending
power between officers, the effect would just be that some proposals that
everyone thinks are cool and should be voted on, are delayed, in the worst
case until they aren't relevant anymore, or people have forgotten about it.

Here's my suggestion: bring back something like the punter rules (but
better), but also tied to who submitted the proposal, to make "my proposal
was taken up for voting" desirable to me, regardless of that proposal's
contents and chances of passing. Like, if it doesn't pass, I get points
based on the votes somehow. I'm partial to "as few FOR votes as possible,
as long as it's more than one", but I can see other variants as well.

The idea is to provide a use for the weekly excess of spending power.

No, I probably won't submit this myself. Maybe. Don't count on it.

On a side not, here's something else I'd like to see if the suggested
proposal delaying rule passes: someone submitting a copy of another
player's well-liked proposal, and delaying the original. Do we want this
rule change to pass, even if the wrong person gets credit / a ribbon for it?

- Tiger

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