proto-proposal: list VC behaviour by colour
AI: 2


Amend rule 2126 by replacing the text

      VCs may be gained as follows:

      a) When an interested proposal is adopted, its proposer gains a
         number of Red VCs equal to the integer portion of the
         proposal's adoption index, minus the number of Red VCs that e
         has gained in this way earlier in the same week (down to a
         minimum of zero), and each coauthor named in the proposal
         gains one Red VC unless e gained a VC in this way earlier in
         the same week.

      b) At the end of each month, for each office with a report, the
         player (if any) who held that office for the majority of that
         month gains two Green VCs (if the office has a weekly report)
         or one Green VC (if it has only a monthly report), unless
         another person deputised for that office while that player
         held that office during that month.

      c) A player who assigns a judgement to a judicial question
         within the time limit when first obliged to gains one Blue

      VCs may be lost as follows:

      a) When a proposal's voting index is less than half its adoption
         index, its proposer loses one Red VC.

      b) At the end of each month, for each office, for each player
         who has held that office during that month, if another person
         deputised for that office while that player held that office
         during that month then that player loses one Green VC.

      c) A player who is recused from a judicial case because a
         judicial question has remained applicable, open, and unjudged
         loses one Blue VC.  A player who is the prior judge in an
         appeal case where a judgement other than AFFIRM is assigned
         to the question on disposition loses one Blue VC.


      VCs are gained and lost as follows:

      (+R) When an interested proposal is adopted, its proposer gains
           a number of Red VCs equal to the integer portion of the
           proposal's adoption index, minus the number of Red VCs that
           e has gained in this way earlier in the same week (down to
           a minimum of zero), and each coauthor named in the proposal
           gains one Red VC unless e gained a VC in this way earlier
           in the same week.

      (-R) When a proposal's voting index is less than half its
           adoption index, its proposer loses one Red VC.

      (+G) At the end of each month, for each office with a report,
           the player (if any) who held that office for the majority
           of that month gains two Green VCs (if the office has a
           weekly report) or one Green VC (if it has only a monthly
           report), unless another person deputised for that office
           while that player held that office during that month.

      (-G) At the end of each month, for each office, for each player
           who has held that office during that month, if another
           person deputised for that office while that player held
           that office during that month then that player loses one
           Green VC.

      (+B) A player who assigns a judgement to a judicial question
           within the time limit when first obliged to gains one Blue

      (-B) A player who is recused from a judicial case because a
           judicial question has remained applicable, open, and
           unjudged loses one Blue VC.  A player who is the prior
           judge in an appeal case where a judgement other than AFFIRM
           is assigned to the question on disposition loses one Blue

[None of the text that actually awards or removes VCs is changed.  The
differences are: (a) all in one list, putting rewards and
corresponding penalties next to each other; (b) meaningful item
labels, easier to maintain.]

[With the various protos that would edit the rule text that is relevant
here, this proto will need a bit of reformulation before it is actually



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