Unofficial CONTEST:  Subgame in a Rule.

Ranked-choice voting (ballot should be a list), options are (full
submissions below):

- ais523     (Fruits of Persistence and Patience)
- Falsifian  (Clairvoyant Roshambo)
- Jason Cobb (The Watch)
- G.         (Hot Potato)

MAIN CRITERION:  "In order, which of these concepts would you most
like to play, starting next month?"  PLEASE ASSUME that
relatively-trivial bugs would be fixed in any final proposed draft.

Note:  Vote is advisory.  If there's no clear consensus, I might
discuss ways to break ties (e.g. please include votes for your own,
but I may discard self-votes).  No Zombie votes please - won't count



Create a new Power-0.3 rule, "Fruits of Persistence and Patience":
A Predeclaration is an announcement, explicitly labeled as a
Predeclaration, that specifies the SHA-256 hash of a string describing
a specific action and a date on which that action is performed. A
Predeclaration is initially valid if no Predeclarations had been made
previously by the same person in the same week, and initially invalid
otherwise; but a Predeclaration ceases to be valid once the action it
describes actually occurs on the given date.

If the rules specify that an action CAN be taken by N days'
Predeclaration, a player CAN take that action by announcement as long
as e published a valid Predeclaration describing that action, and the
current date, at least N and at most 21 days ago; but only if e
publishes the string whose hash was specified in the Predeclaration as
part of the same message.

Fruits are a class of asset. For each positive integer N, a player CAN
earn a number of Fruits equal to the square of N by N days'
Predeclaration. A player with more Fruits than any other player can win
the game by 5 days' Predeclaration. Whenever a player wins the game via
this mechanism, all Fruits are destroyed.

(Who should track this? The Treasuror is the obvious choice, but
possibly we want a separate office. It shouldn't be much work, though,
given that the only way to create Fruits is via an explicit
announcement, and the only potential extra work involved with such
announcements is in verifying that they are valid.)



Co-authors: Aris, Jason Cobb
Power: 0.5
Title: Clairvoyant Roshambo

      At every time, the Roshambo Wheel is set to exactly one of Rock,
      Paper or Scissors. When the Rules do not say that its value
      changes, it stays the same. If it would otherwise not be set to a
      value, it is set to Rock.

      Whenever a player has not done so in the past 4 days, e CAN
      Commune with the Wheel by unconditional announcement, specifying a
      new value for the wheel.  A player CAN Reach into the Past by
      unconditional announcement at any time. When a player Communes
      with the Wheel, the Roshambo Wheel is changed to the value e
      specified, as long as that value is Rock, Paper or Scissors, and e
      does not not Reach into the Past in the following four days.

      Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, and Paper beats Rock.
      Roshambo Score is an integer player switch. Once per Agoran week,
      each player CAN Play Roshambo by unconditional announcement,
      specifying Rock, Paper or Scissors, but only if e has not Communed
      with the Wheel in the past 4 days.  When e does so:
      * If e specifies a value that beats the current value of the
        Roshambo Wheel, then 4 days later, eir Roshambo Score is
        increased by 1.
      * If e specifies a value that is beaten by the current value of
        the Roshambo Wheel, then 4 days later, eir Roshambo Score is
        decreased by 1.

      The Medium is an office, and the recordkeepor of Roshambo Score.

      A player with a Roshambo Score of at least 10 CAN Transcend Time
      by announcement.  When e does so, e wins the game, and all
      instances of the Roshambo Score switch are flipped to 0.


Jason Cobb

Create a power-0.5 Rule with the title "The Watch" and the following text:


Watch Role is a player switch with possible values Uninvolved (default),
Watcher, and Exiled. A person with the Watch Role of Watcher is a "
Watcher". Look Target is a player switch with possible values "null" (
default) and each player. To flip one's Look Target to a certain person is
to "look" at that person. To flip one's Look Target to null is to "stop

For a person to leave the Watch is to first flip eir Watch Role to
Uninvolved, then to stop looking. To reset the Watch is to cause each
player to leave the Watch.

Watchman is an elected office. When a person becomes the Watchman, e
leaves the Watch; rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Watch Role of
the Watchman cannot be flipped. The Watchman CAN, with 2 Agoran consent,
reset the Watch.

A person with a Watch State of Uninvolved CAN flip eir Watch State to
Watcher by announcement. A Watcher CAN leave the Watch by announcement. A
Watcher CAN, once per Agoran week, look at any Watcher or stop looking by
communicating to the Watchman that e does so (a public announcement
satisfies this criterion).

If there are at least 5 Watchers, a Watcher CAN by announcement Check eir
Watch. When one does so:

- If a majority of Watchers are looking at that Watcher, the Watchman CAN,
and SHALL in a timely fashion, cause em to win the game and then reset the

- Otherwise, the Watchman CAN, and SHALL in a timely fashion, cause em to
leave the Watch.




Create the following Rule, Hot Potato, power=1:

      Hunger is a natural switch for active players with a range of 0-100
      (default 0).  An active player with a hunger greater than 0 is
      "hungry", the other active players are "full".  The potato is an
      indestructable asset with ownership restricted entirely to hungry
      players.  The Swedish Chef is an Office and tracks the potato and
      hunger in eir weekly report.

      Whenever there are no hungry players, the Swedish Chef CAN by
      announcement, and SHALL in a timely fashion, set the table.  This
      has the effect of setting every active player's hunger to 100.

      Whenever the potato is not owned by a hungry player (or does not
      exist), the Swedish Chef CAN by announcement, and SHALL in a
      timely fashion, transfer it to (or if it does not exist, create it
      in the possession of) a randomly-selected hungry player. This is
      known as serving the potato.

      The owner of the potato CANNOT transfer ("pass") the potato to any
      entity that owned it in the previous 24 hours.

      At the beginning of each Agoran day, the owner of the potato has
      eir hunger decreased by N, or to 0 if eir hunger is less than N,
      where N is the number of Agoran days (excluding the current one)
      that have begun since the potato was last served.

      When a person becomes an active player, the Swedish Chef CAN by
      announcement, and SHALL in a timely fashion, set eir hunger to the
      average of all active players' hunger, rounded down.

      If there is only one hungry player, then any player CAN cause em to
      win the game by announcement; this sets the winner's hunger to 0.


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