Below is the Arbitor's weekly report.

[2024-03-09] CFJ 4056 assigned to Yachay by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-09] CFJ 4057 assigned to ais523 by Arbitor nix. [since recused]
[2024-03-09] CFJ 4058 assigned to Janet by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-09] CFJ 4059 assigned to Murphy by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-09] CFJ 4061 assigned to nix by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-09] CFJ 4062 assigned to Gaelan by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-09] CFJ 4063 assigned to Kate by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-09] CFJ 4064 assigned to nix by Arbitor nix. [since judged]
[2024-03-09] CFJ 4065 assigned to 4st by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-09] CFJ 4066 assigned to Yachay by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-09] CFJ 4067 assigned to kiako by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-07] CFJ 4055 self-assigned to kiako. [since judged]
[2023-11-28] CFJ 4060 assigned to 4st by Arbitor Kate. [since judged]

CFJ 4056
: Agoran't is ossified.
[2023-11-09] Called by snail
[2024-03-09] Assigned to Yachay by Arbitor nix.

: As a result of the 2023 Agoran't Birthday Tournament, Kate and
: Janet won the game.
[2023-11-19] Called by snail
[2024-03-09] Assigned to ais523 by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-09] Self-recused by ais523.

CFJ 4058
: As a result of the 2023 Agoran't Birthday Tournament, snail
: won the game.
[2023-11-19] Called by snail
[2024-03-09] Assigned to Janet by Arbitor nix.

CFJ 4059
: As a result of the 2023 Agoran't Birthday Tournament, Murphy
: won the game.
[2023-11-19] Called by snail.
[2024-03-09] Assigned to Murphy by Arbitor nix.

CFJ 4061
: The office of Prime Minister is vacant.
[2024-01-01] Called by Gaelan.
[2024-03-09] Assigned to nix by Arbitor nix.

CFJ 4062
: Proposal 9051, as part of its effect, applied a rule change.
[2024-01-28] Called by Janet.
[2024-03-09] Assigned to Gaelan by Arbitor nix.

CFJ 4063
: Proposal 9055, as part of its effect, enacted a rule.
[2024-02-11] Called by Janet.
[2024-03-09] Assigned to Kate by Arbitor nix.

CFJ 4065
: Does "granting" an asset cause it to be received?
[2024-03-05] Called by LegallyBearded.
[2024-03-09] Assigned to 4st by Arbitor nix.
PLEASE NOTE: Per CFJ 4067, it's possible this is NOT a CFJ.

CFJ 4066
: In the above message, LegallyBearded successfully granted emself 52
: welcome packages.
[2024-03-05] Called by Aris, barring LegallyBearded.
[2024-03-09] Assigned to Yachay by Arbitor nix.

CFJ 4067
: LegallyBearded has successfully called a CFJ with substantially the
: text 'Does "granting" an asset cause it to be received?'.
[2024-03-05] Called by Aris, barring LegallyBearded.
[2024-03-09] Assigned to kiako by Arbitor nix.
PLEASE NOTE: ruling may impact the rule of 4065.

To be added to or removed from this list, simply let me know. I will
automatically remove any judge that lets a judgment deadline slip
without notice.

kiako   (open: 4054, 4067)
Kate    (open: 4063)
Yachay  (open: 4056, 4066)
ais523  (last: 4032)
Janet   (open: 4058)
Murphy  (open: 4059)
Gaelan  (open: 4062)
nix     (open: 4061)
4st     (open: 4065)

RECENTLY JUDGED CASES (since last report)

CFJ 4060
: At the moment I called this CFJ, there exists a valid ballot
: submitted by me FOR proposal 9038.
[2023-11-27] Called by Gaelan.
[2023-11-28] Assigned to 4st by Arbitor Kate.
[2023-12-04] Judged FALSE by 4st.

CFJ 4055
: and are the same
: forum (and thus share a single Publicity switch between them).
[2023-10-31] Called by ais523.
[2024-03-07] Self-assigned to kiako.
[2024-03-07] Judged TRUE by kiako.

CFJ 4064
: Goren has created a contract in that message which grants Yachay some
: sort of agency over their Stamps.
Called by .
[2024-03-04] Called by Yachay.
[2024-03-09] Assigned to nix by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-09] Judged FALSE by nix.


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