The below case is CFJ 3757.  I assign it to Falsifian.

===============================  CFJ 3757  ===============================

      omd has 1 Blot.


Caller:                        Jason Cobb

Judge:                         Falsifian



Called by Jason Cobb:                             12 Jul 2019 01:14:27
Assigned to Falsifian:                            [now]


Caller's Evidence:

Excerpt from Rule 2478 ("Vigilante Justice'):

     When a player Points a Finger, the investigator SHALL investigate
     the allegation and CAN, in a timely fashion, SHALL conclude the
     investigation by:
- Imposing the Cold Hand of Justice on the perp, as described
       elsewhere; or
- if e believes that no rules violation occurred or that it would
       be ILLEGAL or INEFFECTIVE to levy a fine for it, announcing the
       Finger Pointing to be Shenanigans.

Excerpt from Rule 2557 ("Removing Blots"):

     When the rules authorize an investigator to impose the Cold Hand
     of Justice for a violation, e CAN do so by levying a fine on the
     perp with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2x the base value of the
     violation, within the following guidelines:
- If the violation is described by the rules as a Class N crime,
       then N is the base value; otherwise the base value is 2.
- The fine SHOULD be reduced to the degree that the violation is a
       minor, accidental, and/or inconsequential infraction.
- The fine SHOULD be increased to the degree that the violation is
       willful, profitable, egregious, or an abuse of an official

Attempted imposition of the CHoJ by the Referee, R. Lee:

This finger pointing is valid, I impose a fine on omd for failing to judge
CFJ 3752 in the allotted time. The crime is tardiness which has a 2-blot
base value, but given that the finger was pointed just a day after the time
expired and I see no pattern of violations, I impose a fine of 1 blot.

Excerpt from Rule 2125:

     An action is regulated if: (1) the Rules limit, allow, enable, or
     permit its performance; (2) describe the circumstances under which
     the action would succeed or fail; or (3) the action would, as part
     of its effect, modify information for which some player is
     required to be a recordkeepor.
A Regulated Action CAN only be performed as described by the
     Rules, and only using the methods explicitly specified in the
     Rules for performing the given action.


Caller's Arguments:

    If the investigator of a Finger-pointing determines that a violation
    occurred, e certainly CAN impose the CHoJ under Rule 2478. The
    investigator, R. Lee, determined that a violation occurred in this
    instance, so e CAN impose the CHoJ.

    Because R. Lee is authorized to impose the CHoJ, under Rule 2557, e
    CAN levy a fine on omd.

    Levying a fine is a regulated action by Rule 2125. Thus, it can only
    be performed using the methods that the Rules explicitly specify.
    Rule 2557 does not explicitly specify a method by which a fine can
    be levied. The assets rules do not provide a general method of
    creating currencies, and Rule 2557 does not provide any method by
    which the fine can be levied. Thus, under Rule 2125, there is no way
    that levying a fine pursuant to the CHoJ can be performed, so R.
    Lee's attempt failed. omd was never fined a Blot, so e has none.
    This CFJ should be judged FALSE.


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