The below CFJ is 3783.  I assign it to twg.


===============================  CFJ 3783  ===============================

      Jason Cobb has more than 2000 Coins.


Caller:                        Jason Cobb

Judge:                         twg



Called by Jason Cobb:                             07 Dec 2019 02:44:42
Assigned to twg:                                  [now]


Caller's Evidence:

On 12/6/2019 6:44 PM, Jason Cobb wrote:

I perform the following actions, in order, 1000 times:


Pursuant to Rule 2154, I declare myself the winner of the election for the office of Assessor that was initiated on the 7th of November 2019 (UTC).

Pursuant to the Rule with the title "Glitter", I earn 17+1=18 Coins for earning an Emerald ribbon.


Proposal 8266 [ADOPTED]:
ID: 8266
Title: Glitter
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: nch

Enact a Power-1 rule titled "Glitter" with the following text {

If a player has earned a ribbon in the past 7 days but already owned it e CAN once (until e earns another ribbon), by announcement, earn N+1 coins where
    N is the number of current players that do not own the same ribbon.


Excerpt from Proposal 8276 [ADOPTED]:
ID: 8276
Title: Various Election Fixes v2
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Jason Cobb

Amend Rule 2154 ("Election Procedure") by replacing the text "declare em
the winner of the election by announcement" with the text "by
announcement declare em the winner of the election, thereby causing em
to win the election".

[This clarifies that this actually causes the person to win the
election, which could be construed as a distinct action from "declaring
em the winner". The replaced text differs from the one in the most
recent SLR because Falsifian cleaned the text by replacing "them" with
"em" since then.]


[Note: I have included the text of the proposals themselves, rather than the text in the recent SLR, because the resolutions are more easily verifiable, and I don't completely trust my SLR right now, for previously stated reasons.]

Caller's Arguments:

Under the precedent set in CFJ 1584, performing an action 1000 by saying that one does is acceptable. Furthermore, I argue that the precedent in CFJ 1774 does not override this - this action does not create thousands of things that must be dealt with individually (such as CFJs); it can be dealt with by updating a few lines in the Tresasuror's report (and perhaps adding an explanatory note), so I argue that my actions do not constitute an "abuse of other player's time and efforts". Thus I argue that I was indeed able to perform the actions in this message 1000 times.

Assuming the above is accepted, then I have won the election 1000 times and, after each win, earned 18 coins. The earning of coins is effective because there are 17 players who do not possess an Emerald ribbon (19 players total, minus me and G.), and I did not earn any additional ribbons between earning the Emerald ribbon and claiming the reward of coins, fulfilling the criteria in "Glitter".

Thus, I argue that I have earned 18000 Coins, so I have more than 2000 Coins. I argue that this CFJ should be judged TRUE.

Gratuitous Arguments by G.:

The election "ends" after the first announcement:

      When a player wins an election, e is installed into the associated
      office and the election ends.

It's important to decide (by common definitions) what properties an "ended
election" has. An "election that has ended" may or may not still exist, but common definitions would say it doesn't have "a single candidate" any longer (the condition necessary to enable the announcement), rather it's an "election with a winner".

Further, if the callers' arguments are accepted, it leads to a potential
problem. The term "in progress" isn't defined. By common definitions, if a winner can still be declared, then the election is still in progress, even if another part of the rule says it has "ended". The caller's
interpretation would let us look at this clause:

      The above notwithstanding, an election for an office CANNOT be
      initiated if one is already in progress.

and conclude that all past uncontested elections (1) can still have a winner announced and installed in office, therefore (2) they are still "in progress" therefore (3) no subsequent elections for those offices were ever started.


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