The below CFJ is 3881.  I assign it to Murphy.


===============================  CFJ 3881  ===============================

      ATMunn acted on behalf of Aris to transfer 10 coins today.


Caller:                        G.

Judge:                         Murphy



Called by G.:                                     29 Aug 2020 21:09:57
Assigned to Murphy:                               [now]


[Linked to CFJ 3882]

Caller's Evidence:

Contract by Aris allowing for a 10 coin transfer:

Notice given by ATMunn:

Notice given by G.:

Attempt at action after the notice period had passed, by ATMunn:

Attempt at action after the notice period had passed, by G.:

Caller's Arguments:

ATMunn wrote:
> Having given sufficient notice, I do so.

G. wrote:
> That's ISID - where's the proof and where's the claim and what's the
> valid judgement?  (I don't see any evidence that "file a proof of claim"
> is a term of art).

ATMunn wrote:
> Doesn't matter - the contract said it was a thing that could be done.

G. (edited response):
It says it can be done with Notice.  Notices require specifications, which
you haven't given.

For example, R991 says that you can call a CFJ specifying the statement
to be inquired into, by announcement.  If I say "I call a CFJ specifying
a statement to inquire into" then I actually haven't done so, even
though the rule literally says that.


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