The below CFJ is 4003.  I assign it to Murphy.


===============================  CFJ 4003  ===============================

      I won the game in this message.


Caller:                        snail

Judge:                         Murphy



Called by snail:                                  15 Jan 2023 19:21:34
Assigned to Murphy:                               [now]


Caller's Evidence:

snail wrote:
> I wield the score stone. (This increases my score by 3.)
> I transfer the Anti-Equatorial stone to myself, as it is tied for mossiest.
> I wield the Anti-Equatorial stone.
> I notice the rock garden, specifying myself. (This may not work.)

Caller's Arguments:

Arguments for TRUE: The Anti-Equatorial stone has an effect as follows:
"When wielded, the mossiest stone is transferred to the wielder."

The latest stonemason's report says:

Stone            Mossiness  Owner            Last Wielded  Immune?
-------------    ---------  ---------------  ------------  -------
Power                    2  Agora            2022-10-02    Agora
Soul                     2  Agora            2021-02-14    Agora
Sabotage                 2  Agora            2022-09-25    Agora
Jockey                   2  Agora            2022-11-06    Agora
Protection               2  G.               2021-12-29
Recursion                2  Agora            2022-11-06    Agora
Hot Potato               0  Agora            2022-12-19    Agora
Blank                    2  Agora                          Agora
Mason's                  0  Janet
Anti-Equatorial          2  Agora                          Agora
Score                    0  snail            2023-01-09

Each stone with mossiness 2 (7 stones after i got the Anti-Equatorial
stone) is "the mossiest stone". So all 7 stones were transferred to me. I
also already own the score stone, bringing my total to 9 stones.

Arguments for FALSE: it's a little silly


Gratuitous Arguments by Janet:

I don't think the initial transfer worked.

If it did: there is no "mossiest stone", and that is a term explicitly
defined. There is no one stone with the highest mossiest value, and it
is a violation of common sense to read the singular as being plural,
especially when the plural is defined. Additionally, other uses of
"mossiest" take great pain to explicitly handle the case of ties, so we
shouldn't read in such handling here when it has been omitted.

Rule 2640/3 (Power=2)

      A stone is a unique indestructable liquid asset defined by the
      rules. To define a stone, the definition must include:
        (i) A name unique among stones;
       (ii) The smoothness of the stone, which is a non-negative integer;
      (iii) A description of the stone's properties
       (iv) Optionally, a frequency, which must be one of daily, weekly,
            monthly, or quarterly.

      Ownership of stones is entirely restricted to Agora and active
      players.  If a stone is owned by the Lost and Found Department or
      in abeyance, it is immediately transferred to Agora.

      The Stonemason is an office, and the recordkeepor of stones.

      Mossiness is a Stone switch with values of non-negative integers
      and a default of 0 tracked by the Stonemason. When a stone is
      transferred from Agora to a player or from a player to Agora, its
      Mossiness is set to 0. The mossiest stone(s) in a set of stone is
      (are) the stone(s) with the highest Mossiness value.

      The Slipperiness of a stone is that stone's smoothness plus its



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