(This document is informational only and contains no game actions).

===============================  CFJ 3912  ===============================

      The above pledge made by Gaelan has expired.


Caller:                        ATMunn

Judge:                         Jason
Judgement:                     TRUE



Called by ATMunn:                                 29 May 2021 00:28:49
Assigned to Jason:                                06 Jun 2021 16:18:25
Judged TRUE by Jason:                             07 Jun 2021 15:15:32


Caller's Evidence:

On 5/22/2021 8:44 PM, Gaelan Steele via agora-business wrote:
> I pledge to violate this pledge, with a time window of one hour.
> (There has to be a paradox protection for pledges somewhere, right? Right???? 
> But I can't find it, so let's find out)
> Gaelan

Caller's Arguments:

The rules for pledges state that the time window is "W days,"
but nowhere does it say that W must be an integer. I think it is
reasonable to say that the time window was set to 1/24th of a day.


Judge Jason's Arguments:

By application of the precedent in CFJ 3752 [0] (which found that the N
for the class of Oathbreaking must be a number, even though it was not
explicitly stated in the text), W must be a number. Having determined
that, I find no explicit textual reason to diverge from the general rule
in R2509 that "numbers" are real numbers by default, so 1/24 is a valid
value for W, and the default of 60 days does not apply. The pledge
expired 1 hour after it was made.

Judged TRUE.

Judge Jason's Evidence:


Rule 2450/10 (Power=1.7)

      If a consenting Player makes a clear public pledge (syn. Oath) to
      perform (or refrain from performing) certain actions, then
      breaking the pledge is ILLEGAL; doing so is the Class N crime of
      Oathbreaking, where N is the value explicitly stated by the
      pledge, or 2 if the pledge does not explicitly state a value.
      Allowing a pledge to expire without carrying out an action one
      pledged to do in it constitutes breaking the pledge.
            The time window of a pledge is W days, where W is the value
      explicitly stated by the pledge, or 60 if the pledge does not
      explicitly state a value. A pledge ceases to exist at the end of
      its time window.
            If breaking the pledge harms specific other parties, the Referee
      SHOULD solicit the opinion of those parties in determining an
      appropriate fine.
            The Notary CAN destroy a pledge Without Objection, but SHOULD NOT
      do so unless the pledge no longer serves any significant purpose.

Rule 2509/2 (Power=2)
Agoran Numbers [Excerpt]

      A "number" is considered to refer to a real number, unless
      otherwise explicitly specified.  A "number of (items)", where
      (items) is a set of discrete entities, is considered to refer to a
      non-negative integer, unless otherwise explicitly specified.


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