The Promotorial Proposal Office (hereinafter the Office) intends to
conduct a midweek distribution. In order to provide greater clarity,
the Office is publishing the following nonbinding administrative
guidance about the way it intends to conduct this distribution.

The cutoff for this distribution will be 00:00 UTC Friday. This may,
at the discretion and convenience of the Office, be extended
(including retroactively), but the Office does not currently
anticipate extending the cutoff beyond 12:00 UTC Friday. The Office
may exempt individual proposals from this cutoff at its discretion and
convenience but does not expect to do so except for good cause shown
(e.g. in the case of an urgent bugfix). All players are ENCOURAGED to
submit any proposals they want to be distributed in this midweek
distribution before 00:00 UTC Friday.

The midweek distribution may be accompanied by a Proposal Pool report,
which may be backdated, all at the discretion and convenience of the

The Office currently anticipates that the next distribution will be
early next week, and will be backdated to the beginning of next week.
There may be an additional midweek distribution next week, at the
discretion and convenience of the Office. The provisions of this
paragraph are highly speculative.

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