I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, the quorum is 3, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID      Author(s)               AI    Title
8556&   Jason, nix              1.0   Ministry Normalization

The proposal pool is currently empty.

Legend: <ID>* : Democratic proposal.
        <ID>& : Ordinary proposal.
        <ID>~ : Unsponsored proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8556
Title: Ministry Normalization
Author: Jason
Co-authors: nix
Adoption index: 1.0

Amend Rule 2624 by inserting the following line after the line "Ministry
of Participation: 1 Voting Card": "Ministry of Legacy: 1 Victory Point"
and by deleting "and 1 Victory Point to every other player whose
Ministry Focus is Legacy".

[This allows the Concentration Stone to work (at least partially) for
players focused on Legacy.]


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