I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, the quorum is 6, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID      Author(s)                AI    Title
8478*^  Jason, nix, G.           3.0   another talismans fix
8479j^  nix, Aris, PSS, ATMunn   1.7   Competitive Finger Pointing v2
8480e^  Jason                    1.0   Generic welcome package fix
8481*^  Trigon, Aris             3.0   If it's not pending we don't care v2
8482f^  Trigon, ATMunn           1.0   Offices are complex v2
8483l^  G.                       1.0   a minor adjustment
8484*^  Murphy, CB, Aris         3.0   Clarify asset ownership
8485*^  Gaelan, Aris             3.0   Eternal Personhood
8486*   Jason, omd               3.0   Fee-based de-escalation
8487*^  Murphy, R. Lee           3.0   Simpler ribbon switches

The proposal pool contains the following proposals:

Author(s)                AI    Title
Gaelan                   2.0   Agoran Bit-streaming
Falsifian, Jason, omd    3.0   Empty the escalator v1.1

Legend: <ID>* : Democratic proposal.
        <ID># : Ordinary proposal, unset chamber.
        <ID>e : Economy ministry proposal.
        <ID>f : Efficiency ministry proposal.
        <ID>j : Justice ministry proposal.
        <ID>l : Legislation ministry proposal.
        <ID>p : Participation ministry proposal.
        <ID>^ : Sponsored proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8478
Title: another talismans fix
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason
Co-authors: nix, G.

Amend Rule 2574 by replacing the list item beginning "If a player
possesses more than one" with the following:

  - If a player possesses more than one talisman for persons other than
  emself, specify and transfer one of those talismans to Agora;


ID: 8479
Title: Competitive Finger Pointing v2
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: nix
Co-authors: Aris, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, ATMunn

Amend R2478, "Vigilante Justice" by adding to the beginning of the

  - Issuing a Warning to the perp, as described elsewhere;

and by adding after the list items:

  Initiating a Finger Pointing found to be Shenanigans is ILLEGAL
  and the Class 0+N Crime of Unjustified Gesticulation, where N is
  the number of times e has previously committed the crime in the
  current Agoran Week.

and by adding, to the very end of the rule:

  The player who initiated the most Finger Pointings that resulted
  in a Warning, Indictment, or Cold Hand of Justice in the previous
  Agoran Week CAN once grant emself a Justice Card by announcement.

Amend R2557 "Sentencing Guidelines" by adding to the end:

  When the rules authorize an investigator to issue a Warning for a
  violation, e CAN do so by announcement if the violation is
  described by the rules as a "Class N Crime" where N is 0 or an
  expression that evaluates to 0.

[There is no ruleset support for class 0 crimes right now. So this
version adds support by introducing a new thing the investigator can do
called a Warning.]

ID: 8480
Title: Generic welcome package fix
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Jason

Amend Rule 2499 by deleting the sentence beginning "A player CANNOT" and
by replacing the final paragraph with the following:


  When a player receives a Welcome Package, if e has not received one in
  the past 30 days, then e earns 10 coins and one of each type of Card
  defined in the rules.


[This makes protects against all possible infinite welcome package scams
that involve one person receiving infinite welcome packages. With this
change, a person can get infinite welcome packages, but only the first
one in each 30 day period will actually grant any rewards (which likely
makes most scams not worth the hassle).]

ID: 8481
Title: If it's not pending we don't care v2
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Trigon
Co-authors: Aris

Amend Rule 1607 "Distribution" by deleting the paragraph:

  The Promotor's report includes a list of all proposals in the
  Proposal Pool, along with their text and attributes. This portion
  of a public document purporting to be a Promotor's report is

then by replacing:

  If a proposal has been in the proposal pool for more than 7 days
  and is not pending, the Promotor CAN and SHOULD remove it from the
  Pool by announcement.


  The Promotor CAN Drain the Pool by announcement. When e does so,
  each proposal in the Proposal Pool that was there for the entirety
  of the previous Agoran month is destroyed. E SHOULD do so once
  each month.

Amend Rule 2496 "Rewards" by adding a bullet point to the list, before
the one beginning "Publishing an office's weekly or monthly report" that

  * Initiating a referendum, provided that no other referendum had
    been initiated earlier in that Agoran week: 5 coins (ADoP)

ID: 8482
Title: Offices are complex v2
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Trigon
Co-authors: ATMunn

Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Complexity" with the text:

  Complexity is an office switch reflecting how complex it is to
  fulfill the duties of its office. Its possible values are all
  integers from 0 to 3 inclusive, where 1 is the default. It is
  tracked in the ADoP's weekly report. The ADoP CAN, with 2 Agoran
  consent, flip the complexity of an office.

Set the complexity switch of the following offices as such:

ADoP:           1
Arbitor:        2 [comment: if we split CotC this should go down]
Assessor:       3
Coopor:         1
Distributor:    0
Herald:         2
Notary:         2
Prime Minister: 0
Promotor:       3
Referee:        2
Registrar:      1
Rulekeepor:     3
Speaker:        0
Tailor:         1
Treasuror:      3
Webmastor:      1

Amend Rule 2496 "Rewards" by replacing the text "5 coins" in the
following bullet points as such:

  - the bullet point beginning "Publishing an office's weekly or monthly
    report": 5 coins times the complexity of the office
  - the bullet point beginning "Resolving a referendum": 5 coins times
    the Assessor's complexity.
  - the bullet point beginning "Initiating a referendum", if it exists: 5
    coins times the Promotor's complexity.

ID: 8483
Title: a minor adjustment
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

If G., acting as emself, has published a single body of text clearly
labeled as "THE MYSTERY DOCUMENT" after the voting period on the
referendum for this proposal has began, this proposal applies all effects
specified in that body of text.

ID: 8484
Title: Clarify asset ownership
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Murphy
Co-authors: CuddleBeam, Aris

Amend Rule 2576 (Ownership) to read:

  Each asset has exactly one owner.

  If ownership of an asset is restricted to a class of entities,
  then that asset CANNOT be gained by or transferred to an entity
  outside that class. By default, ownership of an asset is
  restricted to Agora, players, and contracts, but an asset's
  backing document may modify this.

  If an asset's owner would otherwise be nonexistent, indeterminate,
  or invalid, then it is owned by the Lost and Found Department (if
  possible) or destroyed (otherwise), subject to modification by its
  backing document. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Lost
  and Found Department can own assets of every type. Assets owned by
  the Lost and Found Department can be transferred or destroyed by
  any player without objection.

ID: 8485
Title: Eternal Personhood
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Gaelan
Co-authors: Aris

In rule 869 "How to Join and Leave Agora", replace
  {Any organism that is generally capable of freely originating and
  communicating independent thoughts and ideas is a person.}
  {Any entity that is or ever was an organism generally capable of freely
  originating and communicating independent thoughts and ideas is a person.}

ID: 8486
Title: Fee-based de-escalation
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason
Co-authors: omd

Amend Rule 2579 by replacing the final paragraph with the following: {

  If a Rule purports to provide a fee-based method to perform an action
  with a fee of no assets, that Rule enables the performance of the action
  by announcement. When using such a method, the actor SHOULD announce
  that there was a 0 or empty fee.

ID: 8487
Title: Simpler ribbon switches
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Murphy
Co-authors: R. Lee

Amend Rule 2438 (Ribbons) by replacing this text:

  Ribbon Ownership is a secured person switch, tracked by the
  Tailor in eir monthly report, whose values are the subsets of
  the set of types of Ribbon, defaulting to the empty set. If the
  rules are amended to change the types of Ribbon, if a player's
  Ribbon Ownership is subsequently illegal, then it is updated by
  removing all nonexistent types rather than resetting the entire
  value to default.

  To "award a person a <Ribbon type>" is to add that type of Ribbon
  to that person's Ribbon Ownership. A person "owns a <Ribbon type>"
  if that type of Ribbon is an element of eir Ribbon Ownership.

with this text:

  For each type of Ribbon, <type> Ribbon Ownership is a secured
  negative boolean person switch, tracked by the Tailor in eir
  monthly report.

  To "award a person a <Ribbon type>" is to flip that person's
  <that type> Ribbon Ownership to True. A person "owns a <Ribbon
  type>" if eir <that type> Ribbon Ownership is True.

and by replacing this text:

  While a person owns all types of Ribbon, that person can Raise a
  Banner by announcement. This causes that person to win the game.
  That person's Ribbon Ownership becomes the empty set.

with this text:

  While a person owns all types of Ribbon, that person can Raise a
  Banner by announcement. This causes that person to win the game.
  When a person wins this way, for each type of Ribbon, that
  person's <type> Ribbon Ownership is flipped to False.

For each type of Ribbon, for each person whose Ribbon Ownership prior to
the adoption of this proposal included that type, flip eir <that type>
Ribbon Ownership to True.

Title: Agoran Bit-streaming
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Gaelan


Amend the rule "Holidays" by deleting "Agoran Week" from
the list of the Week-long Events.


Amend the rule "Contracts", except to include "Agoran Contracts",
then by appending the following

Amend the rule "Contracts" by appending the following
  Amend the rule "Fee-based Actions" by inserting the following
      Amend the rule "Fee-based Actions" by replacing all instances
      of "Agoran" with "Agoran Contracts".
        Amend the rule "Fee-based Actions" by replacing all instances
        of "Agoran" with "Agoran Contracts".

Title: Empty the escalator v1.1
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Falsifian
Co-authors: Jason, omd

Amend Rule 2577 by adding the sentence "Attempts to destroy no assets
are successful." before the sentence that begins "An indestructible asset".

Amend Rule 2577 by adding the sentence "Attempts to transfer no assets
are successful." before the sentence that begins "A fixed asset".

Amend Rule 2579 by deleting the paragraph that ends with "0 or empty fee".


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