Dear all,

I am a first time user of Patch Analyst 2.2 extension
for ArcView. I've got an ArcView 3.1 shape file of a
landscape with almost 100 000 patches and a thousand
of hectares size. I followed the guidelines and the
run of 'SPATIAL STATISTICS' produced a table with
results. However, these are for only "RUN 1" and seem
to be for a sample of the data. For instance, the
analysis was only for few number of patches and not
for all of them. How can I have the results for all
the patches in the landscape? I have not seen anything
mentioned about RUNS in the PA Manual.

Any help is always welcome.
Thank you.

Anthi Gkaraveli.

Dr. Anthi Gkaraveli
GIS Landscape Ecologist
Forest Authority of Magnesia Prefecture, Greece.

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