Dear Colleagues,

I would be grateful if you considered submitting an abstract for the next
EGU2017 (Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017) to the session SSS12.11/GM3.7:
“Learning from spatial data: unveiling the geo-environment through
quantitative approaches”, conveners: S. Trevisani, M. Cavalli , I.
Bogunović , J. Golay  and P. Pereira.

*Abstract submission (deadline–11 Jan 2017*, 13:00 CET, charge 40 €):

For further information on the session write to S. Trevisani:

or look at:

*Important!!!* For Scientists who wish to apply *for financial support*
(Early Career Scientist ECSTS and Established Scientist ESTS*) the deadline
is set on the 1st of December 2016*!!!

For further information on the possibility of financial support, go to:


Spatial and spatiotemporal data are crucial for the analysis and modelling
of the processes of interest in Earth and Soil Sciences. Such data require
advanced mathematical, statistical and geomorphometric methodologies in
order to fully exploit their informative content.

The session aims to explore the challenges and potentialities of
quantitative spatial data analysis and modelling in the context of Earth
and Soil Sciences. In particular, the session will cover two main topics
(to which it is no limited!)

1) Analysis of sparse (fragmentary) spatial data for mapping purposes with
evaluation of spatial uncertainty: geostatistics, machine learning,
statistical learning theory, etc.

2) Analysis and representation of exhaustive spatial data at different
scales and resolutions: geomorphometry, image analysis, pattern
recognition, etc.

Studies presenting intuitive and applied mathematical/numerical approaches
and highlighting their key potentialities and limitations are highly
solicited. Besides, the possibility to publish a special issue on the
session in an international journal will also be evaluated.


The Conveners

*      Sebastiano Trevisani, Ph.D.*
*            Assistant Professor*
*Applied and Environmental Geology*

*IUAV University of Venice: <>*

*Address: Dorsoduro 2206,  Venice 30123, Italy Tel:    +39. 041. 257
1299Mail: <> *
*"Le opinioni espresse sono riferibili esclusivamente all'autore e non *
* riflettono in alcun modo una posizione ufficiale dello IUAV "*
*"The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in
any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the IUAV."*

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