  You will find drift also referred to as "trend", generally understood as a 
change in the 'expected' value from place to place within your study area. For 
example, an airborne pollutant with a single source will show higher values 
close to the source tending to 'thin out' as the distance to the source 
increases. In this case, the relationship does not just depend on the distance 
between samples but also on the actual location relative to the source.
  We have a free tutorial on "kriging with trend" which can be found by 
following links on http://www.kriging.com

Olumide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hello -

I'm still new to geostatistics, and I've come across the term, drift a 
few times, but I don't really understand what it means. Can someone 
offer a simple explanation?


- Olumide

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