Hello, I'm a PhD student trying to use S-Plus (with the spatial stats
module) to create variogram clouds so that I can identify local outliers in
my data set (I'm looking for local outliers and not general population

I have previously only used genstat for my geostats and I'm not finding the
"help" files much help!

If anyone knows S-Plus and can help with the following I'd be very grateful.

I can plot the variogram cloud OK (this is easy as I can do it through the
menus). However, what I need to be able to do is IDENTIFY the points in the
plot. The is an identify command which you have to use in the command line,
but I cannot get it to work for me. I've saved the plot, but s-plus can't
find it when I refer back to it... even though I'm the in the right folder.
Perhaps that isn't the main problem!

Any help gratefully received!

Jessica Lenham
PhD Student
University of Nottingham and British Geological Survey

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