You can easily check what Roland suggested.
1. Setup the frequency of the scheduling to be very fast so memory will
grow quickly.
2. connect with visualvm\jconsole to the jvm and initiate gc manually.
3. Compare the trend of memory of the moments right *after the GC* and
see if it
Hello dear community.
Is it okay to wrap a blocking iterator when creating a Source? I have a
blocking API, which I want to hide behind the Source. Here is an example (I
suspect I might need to put blocking code on another executor, is this the
object playground extends App {
Hi , is this on in maven central yet?
On Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 9:02:34 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> Sorry I found the error so I don't need to post the code. When do you
> think (just roughly) will typesafe publish an updated artificat to maven
> central?
> Am Dienstag, 11. Au
Hi Guido, can you explain a bit more where you see the JMH dependency pop up?
It should only be in the akka-bench project, which is not published.
Akka-actor seems clean to me:
Konrad `kt