Hi All,

We are using Scala and Akka(version 2.4.0) in out application. We used 
remote actors and after processing several requests, actor resolve is 
timing out. 
here is the snippet of actor resolve. And we are running our application in 
Virtual machines.

      val a1 = Address("akka.tcp", "actorservice", localHostAddress, "9015")
      val a2 = a1.toString + "/user/supervisor/coordinator"

        try {
            val r = system.actorSelection(a2).resolveOne(20.seconds)
            Right(Await.result(r, 20.seconds))
        } catch {
          case e: TimeoutException => log.info(msg + e.getMessage); throw e

Any of you faced the similar problem and found any solution for the same? 
Thanks in advance.


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